Today it remains serious.
No no, do not be downed those faces! I assure you that it's worth it. I found around a bullshit so big that I had to comment on it. It makes no sense, really. What
say, I could expect being written by someone who rode a Buona Domenica mechanical bulls?
Um ... yes, actually you do not have a point ...
script Gabriella Carlucci which aroused my mirth:
In a nutshell, I'm going to prove to all those who believe that they save multimedia downloading illegally from the Internet, they are wrong and big . Let's start with some data provided by Enel drawn from an official document of which are below a statement containing a detailed analysis of energy consumption resulting from the use of personal computers in the house: "... Today ... we deal on a personal computer, a tool familiar to young people and adults who, surprisingly, turns out he quite voracious in terms of energy consumption, it should not be surprised if we consider that in recent years, the race to increasing computer performance has led to increased consumption by processors and peripherals (which surely have noticed by touching the surface of the hard drive running or watching the hot air that is expelled from the fans in the cabinet of the PC). processors currently come to some cases to pass the consumption of 100 watts, power is provided by the power that clearly present in the PC as well as the processor will of food contained in the other computer peripherals, CD burners, any external devices powered via USB and the same cooling fans, a quick count, but realistic enough allows us to evaluate the consumption of a desktop PC: if the average power consumed by computer and 'of 300 watts (in the cases of well-equipped PC can use this' be even higher, there are some computer power supplies of up to 600 or 800 Watt ) and the PC stays on for about ten hours a day , we can easily quantify the consumption by multiplying the consumption (in kilowatts) by the number of hours, then 300 in our case W = 0.3 KW multiplied by 10 hours, or 3KWh. Considering an average cost of electricity of around 0.2 € / kWh, the PC sample, kept burning for 10 hours a day costs us 60 cents a day , a figure that seems ridiculous, but that multiplied by 365 leads to about 200 € . "From this data, in some cases, it can also be seen widely in default with respect to actual consumption of electricity that must bear the so-called hackers. At this cost, which originally scheduled, we must add the 'wear and tear that your computer meets because of an intense and prolonged use. To stay on the ground concreteness, the average duration of a computer used to download movies and music is around 2 years ; a personal computer that allows us to quickly download massive multimedia material does not cost much less than 1000 € . In addition to these the cost of computer storage media on which to copy movies and music downloaded illegally, we could quantify 100 € per year. Let's add the cost of the phone bill: flat rates or all-inclusive cost average between 20 and 30 euro a month, or about 300 euro per year i. By adding the figures calculated up to now we come to a total ranging roughly between 1600 € to 2000 € . You know what I would spend an average user if he had rented all the available outputs, in a common video rental? Between 1100 and 1300 € , always calculated on an annual basis, with a net saving calculated between 500 and 700 € . Without calculating, important fact is not a minor, the poor quality of movies downloaded from the network than official products marketed by the studios.
Now is precisely the case say people meditate, meditate ... ...
(In bold the important data the rest is chatter)
L''Mr , that with this it would probably to deter the 'average user' by herself as an example (Do not, therefore, who in any way makes money from piracy, but those who download for their own use and consumption) , downloading music, I think, with this pile of crap, has the opposite effect.
Let's make a decision without partial stupid, which could only lead to pointless articles, what is that.
absence of any official documents and are not intended to Enel PC, I asked for confirmation of the Consort, which has approved the first Data provided by Carlucci.
A computer actually consumes, annually, that kind of digits if it is kept burning for ten hours a day.
Segniamoci then € 200 as an annual expenditure for electricity.
To purchase a computer fair, which will allow us to download large files in a decent time, the famous ten hours, 1000 € every two years is an exaggeration. If
used only to download a pc from 600 €, with proper maintenance and treated with care, lasts five years and more safely. I do not know what kind of PC typically uses the Honorable, but should change providers. My Fat (The Fixed home), came back in the family 2004, still works very well, and was paid just € 600, including monitor.
then add € 600 to spend.
The cost of the DVD. On Ebay, 200 blank DVDs, they cost € 36.00. With 100 €, I would take home about the twentieth century, almost a thousand blank DVDs each year.
Everyone can contain four movies, has a file of about 1GB (A considerable size. On average, a movie gets along with seven hundred / eight hundred MB, understood as a practically perfect movie quality for viewing on screen). I highly doubt that any "average user" discharges four thousand films a year. Very strongly. Add
then € 40.00 to spend, just to be sleeved.
Add to this, now the flat rate for internet. € 300 per year, as told by the lady.
We add it all up: 200 + 600 + 40 + 300 = 1140 € per year, are the cost that an "average user" has to pay to download music, books, games and movies.
might seem a price, after all, similar to that supported by''Mr Carlucci.
Now, let's try to reason with the brain.
In nearly every Italian home has a computer, a flat line and the computer stays on for several hours a day.
So these three costs, however, would have been incurred by the "average user", it is downloading files pirated or lose time on Faccialibro and Netlog.
The fact that almost anyone who uses the PC for both tasks (That's one of Pirathonite and wasters), was minor.
The three main costs (Pc, line and electricity) should be canceled, however, as not falling in the category of "expenditure of Computer Thief et Pirathonite Ugly"
What remains? A final expenditure and a sense of € 40 a year, to be able to use 800 GB of entertainment, say film to stay on (but which in theory may be of any kind above). The Honourable
, then tells us that the 'average user', could save a lot of pennies, if you rent movies.
You? Safe Safe Safe? Let
calculation. We said
800 GB of movies, then, according to my calculations above, eight hundred films.
But I want to be good, and take account only of films of exceptional quality. Then calculate the rent of seven hundred films.
From site Blockbuser :
The lowest price, to be classified as Cinemania 5DVD-So I guess enough for Vecchiotti- seven days to 10 €.
700: 5 = 140
140 x 10 = 1400 € per year
To see seven hundred films of excellent quality, downloaded and burned by me, spend 40 €
To hire the same number of movies from Blockbuster, will spend 1400 .
accounts made by me and Gabriella Carlucci, at the end of the games are quite similar, although it is clear that the Honourable, in becoming his own, has tried to bring water to his mill.
For her, the annual cost of software piracy is, the 'average user' of 1600/2000 €. For me it is about € 1200/1500, and decreases to about € 40 if you count all that we have, regardless, a PC and a flat fee.
For her, hire a random number of titles to the video store, it costs € 1100/1300 year. I made a calculation more specific, but variable: Cinemania eighteenth titles by BB cost € 1400, accurate.
Turning now to a speech less mathematical and more practical, however there are some pros and cons to consider when choosing between piracy and hire.
I forgive those who with video rental There they live, but as you can see from these screens, I find the service they offer is at least bad: p
They are the only ones who really suffer, software piracy, so it would also now move your ass, offering something that not be achieved more easily and quickly while sitting in an armchair at home.
Ho, moreover, wanted to skirt the issue on the inconvenience of video rental. I have however been pointed out (Thanks Love) that there is another big point against this activity, now close to bankruptcy.
Reaching the point of sale.
Should I go out, look for one, give me the card issuing documents (And if a poor man, perhaps with a reputation to maintain, we wanted to see a gay porn? How would, having to release the identity card the card? ) and then after all the effort, I might as well find that this lovely Japanese film of the high school student with a gun grafted into the arm do not have it? Or that they have already rented?
And if I had the car and the nearest video store was in Butt (Come to me, for example)? And if that day rained hailstones as big as my fist?
I should go out and rent a movie that might not have?
No thanks. Search Megavideo three minutes after me and I can look lovely and perfectly in the original language and subtitled by people who understand it like a shovel.
E you, what do you think?
I am curious to hear your opinion, and find out what, for you, Pro and Cons of these two factions. The Pros and Cons
best, if you will, will be included in the table (with your name next to it), so to offer a broader overview.
PS: Wow, I wrote a serious post on a subject very seriously OO
Tomorrow I have to comment on a fanfiction ... never here that you do not laugh for more than one post.
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