Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby Born Sms To Frends

The Pupa and Secchione: Presentation Competitors


Elena Moral
20 years. I could not live without her hair, describes "dizzy and easily offended." Culture? "A boring".
Conclusion: At least he realizes to be stupid. It 'a step forward.

Flo Malincea
26 years. Do you think that culture is "a thing for old men" and that the exhibitions are "too many things on display meaningless." In life, however, has a goal: "to conquer anyone, regardless of whether I like it or not."
Conclusion: Flo, in addition to carrying on the lapel of his ignorance, like a medal for bravery, is a bitch. Go
as Flo, a bet and you're already on the cock ^ ^
Francesca Lukasik
23 years. For her love is "a sandwich with nutella that every so often I treat myself. " Does not read newspapers because "dirty hands me the paper and me dry."
Conclusion: What should I comment? What? Do you bother to wash your hands well to remain ignorant? Non ho parole.
Ludovica Leoni
28 anni. Si ritiene un po’ “snob”, dedica a se stessa buona parte della giornata, non potrebbe mai fare a meno di “tacchi e specchi” e come “compagna di shopping” vorrebbe una carta di credito illimitata.
Ps: Conclusion empty, just like Ludovic.

Maria Teresa Lombardi
20 years. He loves the massages ("When I make one I would stop time"), it is dedicated to education because it believes that "to know something about everything aid that much "and did not inform, so" if something bad happens I realize, because I feel the old folks talk about the bus stop or my mom is that she tells it. "
Conclusion: Mary, puppy ... No, nothing. Stay well, soul and brain dead white .
Monica Ricchetti
23 years. He dreams of becoming "managers of itself, like Paris Hilton." He lives by the body as a "work" and only read the newspaper horoscope.
Conclusion: Monica, why, you read? From the beautiful proof of the first puntatone did not appear.
The fact that Hilton is even cited as a positive example makes me hope that Monica did not receive a very metaphorical kick in the ass very quickly.

Pasqualina Sanna
19 years. A Life made of drinks and disco nights. He wakes up late in the morning and does nothing, at home and in life in general. He believes that the image is 'everything' in this society.
Conclusion: Pasqualina Woman = useless for herself and the world. A sheer waste of space.
Its existence is likely to become more significant because of me, who will use his television appearances to entertain you, my / i love / readers.

Frederick White
Fascinated by the study, has always had a fondness for linguistics, semiotics and literature. We define intelligent, dedicated and a great connoisseur of culture in general, does not like to shop, buy clothes once or twice a year, but never go beyond the shelves of jeans and shirts, at most, a shirt for special occasions formal. Cinephile, describes himself as a stubborn often balks matter of principle, the first approach tends to be detached, resulting arrogant, cold or grumpy. It 's a Otaku
Roberto Cavazzoni
and very little comes out to do so, preferring to wait for the summer. He does not like clubbing or crowded places where there is too much noise. As a child he enjoyed a notebook to jot down ever larger numbers from scratch. He says he is tenacious and patient, but also forward-looking and helpful. He acknowledges, however, they are also insecure and sometimes touchy. Robert hates the inconsistency and hypocrisy and loves long walks, because they allow him to relax and be alone with his thoughts. Does not cure its image, but is obsessed with personal hygiene. Electronic research and independent inventor.

Andrea Andrea Woo is defined available and patient, at times, however, even unpleasant. It 's always been attracted to anything that requires intellectual engagement, his favorite subjects of study are bracketed morphology and descriptive, but did not deny a certain propensity for the design and vision science. Member of the League Nerd, Andrew, can not stand-nothing. She hates jeans and tank tops.
E 'an Industrial Designer

Valerio De Camillis
According to Valerio all born smart, or with the potential to be, but the brain must be trained, or intelligence atrophies. She loves anything that involves reasoning. It 's a program of services on the Web and collect cans of Energy Drink
Fulvio De Giovanni
Perfectionist and presumptuous likes to make fun of people who demonstrate a clearly lower than its culture, we would accuse him of be pedantic. His parents consider him a true genius or something like a mad scientist. . Social life is not for him, despite living in a city with great nightlife, like Milan. He works as a Software Engineer
Luca Garagozzo

For him, "Chemistry is Chemistry and Life is life": a passion that began when a child flipping through the books of the mother, a pharmacist. During his academic career has always worked hard and was not confined only to subjects of this examination, but was constantly looking for new ideas and insights, reading essays and scientific articles. Environmental consultant and safety in the workplace.

Luca Tassinari

type A rigorous, precise and rational, but not constringetelo to go into the subway or go to a gallery: the idea that it could not escape the their fate in case of danger for him is a real phobia. Dreams of becoming a university professor, but do not mind the researcher. His family is described as the prototype of the good boy, good, polite, with great ability and led to the study. Collect cards.

overall conclusion for geeks: They're all brains losers, checcavolo I add? They are distinguishable only by the appearance for now! è_é. Ah, yes. At least they have a recognizable character and descriibile and any interest other than the manicures and shopping.

Well, my little girls! See you soon with the review of the first episode of the pupa and the geek!

Ps: I know that I had to post this kind of thing on the blog but ... them is a mess to fix the image, and this program I already tired of her brain. I do not want sclera with photos and with the post -.-
here and then throw it all away uu


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