Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Gold Gameshark Vba

The Pupa and Secchione: Detour of 20 & 21/04/2010

But the shit do detour from the pupa and the nerd the afternoon?
But last ten minutes!
Tell me how can I put down a decent rating with ten minutes of a tight material! è_é
E ' ridiculous, in the first series lasted much, much more!
And plus the preparation it takes too much of her.
Ok, they are all goats ( Secchioni included, who are the idiots that you recommend them, even them) , but there is no need to put in the background giggling and verses!
make me nerves!

episode on 20/04/2010

The critters wake up, and we are shown pairs more closely nice.
De Giovanni that acts as a waiter at Elena , Garagozzo trying to extract from the bed (unsuccessfully) its pupa and Tassinari and Pasqualina (which have a single bed) sleeping at L.
No, stop for a moment ...
Why sleep in L? For what reason Pasqualina is sprawled on the bed and Tassinari sleeping across the foot of the bed, her legs on a chair?
They wake up, and Pasqualina also wonders the same thing. The good nerd (Unlucky ) explains that in two in the bed you sleep badly, and prefers that position. Well yes ... actually understandable. Sleep two to a single is terrible. But, go on the couch, Rates? It was not better? Boh, ok,. The back is yours, let's go ahead ...

Preparation of Coffee: The IQ of 170 does not help in any way if you do not exploit it.

five I groped to prepare the coffee! I understand that the machine with the waffles demonic be an invention, but good Lord, you are graduates, engineers and inventors ... you could also think of you nerds to take instruction booklet!

Dolls 1 - 0 Secchioni

But then it is true that you were chosen just because you are an idiot, and not for the brain -.-
How sad.
not committed to be nerds I crapped a fucking coffee maker, began to show signs of imbalance.
In detail, there Garagozzo fixing fairly obvious Pasqualina 's breasts.
My son, thou hast ok that you're a virgin and twenty-odd years, but a little self control! You are in the house for twelve hours, of which eight have slept ... if you keep it within the week violent one!

After the sad scene at breakfast, we begin more sad. And I was hoping ... Illus.

Speaking with one of the virgins secchioncelli (One of, I do not know which one. Some of them are also interchangeable in appearance and manner of dress Oo At least pupae distinguished by the foliage) , one of the girls by showing his rudeness, take him by the ass because it had never been successful in some himself, although he tried.
Thank you, dear, for susceptibility testing.

Garagozzo now is in the mood to make jokes and denominational says that he thinks his pupa is intelligent. Its pupa is Monica.
Sorry, I'm going to stretch your thumbs to pass myself off the giggles.

Who begins badly ends worse, and the episode ends with this sweet curtain between the Ludo and Woo :

Ludovica asks his nerd if it is true that no sex for seven years (Second you ugly idiot? A man is disgraced if it were not true?) and Woo, who is a loser and he is so sweet and trusting towards his companion of doom, tells of his latest crush:

For a year and a half (Eighteen months eh! Mica blowjobs) went almost every day the bar where she worked the girl that he liked to take a drink, only to see it (Stalkeraggio or sweetness? sweetness Take it to come on) . When it was decided to ask her out, he discovered that his girlfriend had recently.

Personally I found the nerds, but so cute. I . Ludovica practically from dell'idiota and tells him that way more than seven years. But that bitch.

In the confessional, 'Is self-propelled inflatable doll things worse. And here I quote verbatim:

"At first glance you see that is a bit 'strong as image"

"It's not a pretty boy is obvious, if I see him suddenly in room I take a shot "
I'd say that speaks for itself.

Ok, Woo really has a mouth that is scary, but 'is that sentence in the face is not exactly the best of education:
"E' monstrous retinue, Did not I ever told anyone ?
No darling, with these words, the daughters would probably not ever tell anyone. The only hick
with gravel in the brain that you are not ashamed to do it was you.

episode on 21/04/2010

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa ... I missed!
I saw only the last two minutes, where they were taken a few nerds who were trying to teach some basic geometrical rules (The triangle, the unknown) the pupae.
From what I saw as the nerds teachers do pity
explain things too difficult.
not that they are complex things that 'girls should get into the ste CERV ... under the hair
, but there are simpler ways to explain the two cows that have to teach.

Oh, and if the director does not stop with 'sti Muzzi and flashbacks to' sti verses idiots might as well get angry. Already
duran little bets, even minute to minute rubateci showing stuff already seen and we are right!


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