Sunday, April 25, 2010

What Was Your Cm Like Before Your Period?

Secchione: 23/04/2010

Today, he spoke again of the house more brain dead in Italy!
I know that you are happy, I see from your eyes sbrilluccicosi and hopeful for the future.
Unfortunately no, the house is not exploded for a gas leak , and fourteen fools are still alive and healthy.
But do not despair, will remain shut for several weeks yet. And accidents happen ^ ^

Let us now to the main topic of today, the detour on Friday.
Yes, I know it's Sunday, but what do you expect? To watch the stuff I have to shut my neurons in solitary confinement, and when they do come out are so offended that you refuse to write this review immediately.
So be patient.

The stars of today are, indisputably, the couple Tassinari / Pasqualina.
The episode opens in sadness and in the degradation of testosterone, with Pupa who empties a bottle of water on the poor Tassinari.
I thought "Come on, now or angry or start to make fools and there is something nice to write."
As always, when I make a prediction that does not involve a horror, I was wrong.
Tassinari is a cloth shoes, and does not react at all. I am sure that all people who watched the program they felt very devalued by this.
Guys, calm. We women we are so belittled very worst.

Maria Teresa agrees with me, and says that rates would have to take out the balls and send her to fuck off, or at least react.

Ludo thinks rates will "Put in humiliation" to appear on TV so I hope that OO Ludovica in its sgrammaticatura, right. Because if I'm 'guy has really put so little character is really bad.

In another corner of the house, in the meantime ...
Pasqualina tells you think that Francesca Ludovica and Elena ignore it.
But you're in by six days, how do you already hate you? Mamma mia girls like you are going badly ...

In the confessional, Elena says Pasqualina is quite false and selfish when there are cameras.
Probably the girl did not realize it, but he just described perfectly all pupae of the house. Pasqualina

Statements on the situation:
" The fact that I do not go and Tassinari agree that everyone watch your breasts " (What everyone looks at their breasts is a great phrase! A gem! We should all thank Pasqualina for these gems that gives us )
"The undersigned in
Tassinelli ... er, Tassinari filled his plate, he fills the glass every day. The undersigned in Tassinari's washing his underpants ... " (The undersigned is troubled by the fact that he does not know Tassinari manage themselves up to 'sti levels OO)

The girl, who gnaws the judge because it's sharp with his nerd, especially because "First to play were all there to say" Oh I'm like the nerd I do this "," The tract so, while no mo '.
Lina, have you ever thought if all the others are made aware that their geeks are human beings, not dogs, perhaps one that you're wrong? The others have evolved a bit, see the example to follow ...

After the pathetic scene, to conclude, Pasqualina starts to cry. But why? What is it? But are you really that delicatina, my girl? No it is not that they are wrong ... eh What is wrong in most
Tassinari, who had to react, but you too ...

geometry lessons are something depressing, really.
E 'from the third day or so, studying geometry, and they are all still in the triangle.
Without having learned.
But how? But what you have to be deconstructed in the skull to not be able to absorb in three days, two concepts that we teach in third grade?

Unfortunately, ten minutes have all been eaten by the hysterics of Pasqualina, then the lesson we are not given even a moment of fun, just so much sadness. Why
Ludovica erring to calculate the area of the triangle makes me laugh, he just thankful to have studied more than her and be intellectually superior.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Price Chopper Name Change

detour of Gabriella Carlucci: The video store is better than the Internet (lulz)

Today it remains serious.
No no, do not be downed those faces! I assure you that it's worth it. I found around a bullshit so big that I had to comment on it. It makes no sense, really. What
say, I could expect being written by someone who rode a Buona Domenica mechanical bulls?
Um ... yes, actually you do not have a point ...

script Gabriella Carlucci which aroused my mirth:

In a nutshell, I'm going to prove to all those who believe that they save multimedia downloading illegally from the Internet, they are wrong and big . Let's start with some data provided by Enel drawn from an official document of which are below a statement containing a detailed analysis of energy consumption resulting from the use of personal computers in the house: "... Today ... we deal on a personal computer, a tool familiar to young people and adults who, surprisingly, turns out he quite voracious in terms of energy consumption, it should not be surprised if we consider that in recent years, the race to increasing computer performance has led to increased consumption by processors and peripherals (which surely have noticed by touching the surface of the hard drive running or watching the hot air that is expelled from the fans in the cabinet of the PC). processors currently come to some cases to pass the consumption of 100 watts, power is provided by the power that clearly present in the PC as well as the processor will of food contained in the other computer peripherals, CD burners, any external devices powered via USB and the same cooling fans, a quick count, but realistic enough allows us to evaluate the consumption of a desktop PC: if the average power consumed by computer and 'of 300 watts (in the cases of well-equipped PC can use this' be even higher, there are some computer power supplies of up to 600 or 800 Watt ) and the PC stays on for about ten hours a day , we can easily quantify the consumption by multiplying the consumption (in kilowatts) by the number of hours, then 300 in our case W = 0.3 KW multiplied by 10 hours, or 3KWh. Considering an average cost of electricity of around 0.2 € / kWh, the PC sample, kept burning for 10 hours a day costs us 60 cents a day , a figure that seems ridiculous, but that multiplied by 365 leads to about 200 € . "From this data, in some cases, it can also be seen widely in default with respect to actual consumption of electricity that must bear the so-called hackers. At this cost, which originally scheduled, we must add the 'wear and tear that your computer meets because of an intense and prolonged use. To stay on the ground concreteness, the average duration of a computer used to download movies and music is around 2 years ; a personal computer that allows us to quickly download massive multimedia material does not cost much less than 1000 € . In addition to these the cost of computer storage media on which to copy movies and music downloaded illegally, we could quantify 100 € per year. Let's add the cost of the phone bill: flat rates or all-inclusive cost average between 20 and 30 euro a month, or about 300 euro per year i. By adding the figures calculated up to now we come to a total ranging roughly between 1600 € to 2000 € . You know what I would spend an average user if he had rented all the available outputs, in a common video rental? Between 1100 and 1300 € , always calculated on an annual basis, with a net saving calculated between 500 and 700 € . Without calculating, important fact is not a minor, the poor quality of movies downloaded from the network than official products marketed by the studios.

Now is precisely the case say people meditate, meditate ... ...

(In bold the important data the rest is chatter)

L''Mr , that with this it would probably to deter the 'average user' by herself as an example (Do not, therefore, who in any way makes money from piracy, but those who download for their own use and consumption) , downloading music, I think, with this pile of crap, has the opposite effect.

Let's make a decision without partial stupid, which could only lead to pointless articles, what is that.

absence of any official documents and are not intended to Enel PC, I asked for confirmation of the Consort, which has approved the first Data provided by Carlucci.
A computer actually consumes, annually, that kind of digits if it is kept burning for ten hours a day.
Segniamoci then € 200 as an annual expenditure for electricity.

To purchase a computer fair, which will allow us to download large files in a decent time, the famous ten hours, 1000 € every two years is an exaggeration. If
used only to download a pc from 600 €, with proper maintenance and treated with care, lasts five years and more safely. I do not know what kind of PC typically uses the Honorable, but should change providers. My Fat (The Fixed home), came back in the family 2004, still works very well, and was paid just € 600, including monitor.
then add € 600 to spend.

The cost of the DVD. On Ebay, 200 blank DVDs, they cost € 36.00. With 100 €, I would take home about the twentieth century, almost a thousand blank DVDs each year.
Everyone can contain four movies, has a file of about 1GB (A considerable size. On average, a movie gets along with seven hundred / eight hundred MB, understood as a practically perfect movie quality for viewing on screen). I highly doubt that any "average user" discharges four thousand films a year. Very strongly. Add
then € 40.00 to spend, just to be sleeved.

Add to this, now the flat rate for internet. € 300 per year, as told by the lady.

We add it all up: 200 + 600 + 40 + 300 = 1140 € per year, are the cost that an "average user" has to pay to download music, books, games and movies.
might seem a price, after all, similar to that supported by''Mr Carlucci.
Now, let's try to reason with the brain.

In nearly every Italian home has a computer, a flat line and the computer stays on for several hours a day.
So these three costs, however, would have been incurred by the "average user", it is downloading files pirated or lose time on Faccialibro and Netlog.
The fact that almost anyone who uses the PC for both tasks (That's one of Pirathonite and wasters), was minor.
The three main costs (Pc, line and electricity) should be canceled, however, as not falling in the category of "expenditure of Computer Thief et Pirathonite Ugly"

What remains? A final expenditure and a sense of € 40 a year, to be able to use 800 GB of entertainment, say film to stay on (but which in theory may be of any kind above). The Honourable

, then tells us that the 'average user', could save a lot of pennies, if you rent movies.
You? Safe Safe Safe? Let
calculation. We said
800 GB of movies, then, according to my calculations above, eight hundred films.
But I want to be good, and take account only of films of exceptional quality. Then calculate the rent of seven hundred films.

From site Blockbuser :
The lowest price, to be classified as Cinemania 5DVD-So I guess enough for Vecchiotti- seven days to 10 €.

700: 5 = 140
140 x 10 = 1400 € per year

To see seven hundred films of excellent quality, downloaded and burned by me, spend 40 €
To hire the same number of movies from Blockbuster, will spend 1400 .
accounts made by me and Gabriella Carlucci, at the end of the games are quite similar, although it is clear that the Honourable, in becoming his own, has tried to bring water to his mill.

For her, the annual cost of software piracy is, the 'average user' of 1600/2000 €. For me it is about € 1200/1500, and decreases to about € 40 if you count all that we have, regardless, a PC and a flat fee.

For her, hire a random number of titles to the video store, it costs € 1100/1300 year. I made a calculation more specific, but variable: Cinemania eighteenth titles by BB cost € 1400, accurate.

Turning now to a speech less mathematical and more practical, however there are some pros and cons to consider when choosing between piracy and hire.

I forgive those who with video rental There they live, but as you can see from these screens, I find the service they offer is at least bad: p
They are the only ones who really suffer, software piracy, so it would also now move your ass, offering something that not be achieved more easily and quickly while sitting in an armchair at home.

Ho, moreover, wanted to skirt the issue on the inconvenience of video rental. I have however been pointed out (Thanks Love) that there is another big point against this activity, now close to bankruptcy.
Reaching the point of sale.
Should I go out, look for one, give me the card issuing documents
(And if a poor man, perhaps with a reputation to maintain, we wanted to see a gay porn? How would, having to release the identity card the card? ) and then after all the effort, I might as well find that this lovely Japanese film of the high school student with a gun grafted into the arm do not have it? Or that they have already rented?
And if I had the car and the nearest video store was in Butt (Come to me, for example)? And if that day rained hailstones as big as my fist?
I should go out and rent a movie that might not have?
No thanks. Search Megavideo three minutes after me and I can look lovely and perfectly in the original language and subtitled by people who understand it like a shovel.

E you, what do you think?
I am curious to hear your opinion, and find out what, for you, Pro and Cons of these two factions. The Pros and Cons
best, if you will, will be included in the table (with your name next to it), so to offer a broader overview.

PS: Wow, I wrote a serious post on a subject very seriously OO
Tomorrow I have to comment on a fanfiction ... never here that you do not laugh for more than one post.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sunbathing Bottomless

Clash Titans: Comment exasperated

Today no reviews, no fanfiction, no babes and nerds ( Yes, even today I am lost the bet . Fustigatemi with the nettles, come >. \u0026lt;- Indeed, who wanted to tell me that today you leave a comment below or -) ... Today I vent.

I finished watching a few minutes ago the film Clash of the Titans.
What about this movie ... I recommend it, but I do not recommend shelling out money for the cinema ... If
in 'sti day you cavarvi with 3D eyes, much better than Dragon Trainer, who at least makes you laugh and there is Toothless.

The film is not bad, do not say this. It 'nice, special effects are decent, the actors are not dogs ... complete the foundation has the short. A
Apart from some boring piece, fighting confused as hell (I shudder at the thought of what I suffered watching him with those glasses Mephisto), is an enjoyable film in its entirety.
What makes it look to me like a complete shit in the details. And you know me, those are details that make me appreciate the work

Step 1) The fucking title.

Why, because I need to call a film "Clash of the Titans" when talking about the myth of Perseus? Why?
I thought I could enjoy a good film on the Titans (You know, the title ...) or going about their evil gods.
But no. The Gods that are brought in are just Hades and Zeus, and are still very classified.
rightly, as the film focuses on Perseus and his exploits. Too bad that the title should say anything! è_é

Step 2) Ade

As I have already mentioned, we talk about the poor Ade.
Together with Aphrodite, God is my favorite, probably because of the Disney Hercules and Xena and Hercules TV series. But reasons aside, it's my favorite.
So, forgive me, but it hunchback, wheezing, hoarseness, and problems with large balding . I run the ovaries and swear every time the frame.
You see yourself as pissed off as a sheep every time one of the protagonists (Just name) of the film is taken is likely to distract a lot from the overall view of the work, and she lost many points.

one true God degl'Inferi

What Clash of the Titans -.-

Reason 3) Perseus and its cycle
And you're not talking about bicycles uu
Ok kid, you will have the gods also killed his adoptive family (Created at random, but more about that later), but not why you're justified in your Mossette by prima donna! If you find a weapon pussy ass pure and powerful and a winged horse, even if they are gifts of the gods, use them! You'll see that your revenge will be better alive than dead!
Or if you really need to do the cock, do so manly, not screaming as if you had just invested the poodle -.-

Reason 4)
Four ...

Reason 5) Myth abused

I wonder why, if you make a film about the myth of Perseus, you must change the whole story.
In 'I'm damn movie there are at least a dozen references to the myth is only half correct!
His mother was impregnated by Zeus yes (or Poseidon, second opinions secondary), but she was not married, indeed, so that children could have (why cercatevelo alone on Wiki: p ) was locked in a bronze tower.
Zeus is not presented in the form of Aquila / husband, but in the form golden rain

uu S ', were thrown into the sea inside a box, but both survived, were found by a fisherman, like in the movie, but found accommodation at King Polidette. A wire
different from what we see in the movie -.-

Then, the whole mess made by Perseus, was not done for revenge or challenge the gods, but to bring a wedding gift to King
fact, he wanted were donated to the head of Medusa, the only one of the Gorgons to be fatal. It was so bad
manage the plot with these premises?
so as to prevent the rape of mythology? Last
detail and then finish, otherwise it comes out no more : P
In the movie the jerk of a protagonist, falls in love with Io. I was a fucking priestess of Hera that has nothing to do with Perseus!
thing doing there?! And why do they fall in love? Perseus with Andromeda was to be married!
And 'one of the few things on which the myth of Perseus and I agree all you are going to change it??
Then look, next time do as those who have created God of War , invent a character and have him do what the hell you want, but do not bother to mythology, that you're not capable!

Mica claim the 100% loyalty, but at least the little details, which also if they are decently made changes nothing.
to mention that the story was invented bad as a book of Moccia might as well stick a little 'more than the original, which at least had a sense ...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Gold Gameshark Vba

The Pupa and Secchione: Detour of 20 & 21/04/2010

But the shit do detour from the pupa and the nerd the afternoon?
But last ten minutes!
Tell me how can I put down a decent rating with ten minutes of a tight material! è_é
E ' ridiculous, in the first series lasted much, much more!
And plus the preparation it takes too much of her.
Ok, they are all goats ( Secchioni included, who are the idiots that you recommend them, even them) , but there is no need to put in the background giggling and verses!
make me nerves!

episode on 20/04/2010

The critters wake up, and we are shown pairs more closely nice.
De Giovanni that acts as a waiter at Elena , Garagozzo trying to extract from the bed (unsuccessfully) its pupa and Tassinari and Pasqualina (which have a single bed) sleeping at L.
No, stop for a moment ...
Why sleep in L? For what reason Pasqualina is sprawled on the bed and Tassinari sleeping across the foot of the bed, her legs on a chair?
They wake up, and Pasqualina also wonders the same thing. The good nerd (Unlucky ) explains that in two in the bed you sleep badly, and prefers that position. Well yes ... actually understandable. Sleep two to a single is terrible. But, go on the couch, Rates? It was not better? Boh, ok,. The back is yours, let's go ahead ...

Preparation of Coffee: The IQ of 170 does not help in any way if you do not exploit it.

five I groped to prepare the coffee! I understand that the machine with the waffles demonic be an invention, but good Lord, you are graduates, engineers and inventors ... you could also think of you nerds to take instruction booklet!

Dolls 1 - 0 Secchioni

But then it is true that you were chosen just because you are an idiot, and not for the brain -.-
How sad.
not committed to be nerds I crapped a fucking coffee maker, began to show signs of imbalance.
In detail, there Garagozzo fixing fairly obvious Pasqualina 's breasts.
My son, thou hast ok that you're a virgin and twenty-odd years, but a little self control! You are in the house for twelve hours, of which eight have slept ... if you keep it within the week violent one!

After the sad scene at breakfast, we begin more sad. And I was hoping ... Illus.

Speaking with one of the virgins secchioncelli (One of, I do not know which one. Some of them are also interchangeable in appearance and manner of dress Oo At least pupae distinguished by the foliage) , one of the girls by showing his rudeness, take him by the ass because it had never been successful in some himself, although he tried.
Thank you, dear, for susceptibility testing.

Garagozzo now is in the mood to make jokes and denominational says that he thinks his pupa is intelligent. Its pupa is Monica.
Sorry, I'm going to stretch your thumbs to pass myself off the giggles.

Who begins badly ends worse, and the episode ends with this sweet curtain between the Ludo and Woo :

Ludovica asks his nerd if it is true that no sex for seven years (Second you ugly idiot? A man is disgraced if it were not true?) and Woo, who is a loser and he is so sweet and trusting towards his companion of doom, tells of his latest crush:

For a year and a half (Eighteen months eh! Mica blowjobs) went almost every day the bar where she worked the girl that he liked to take a drink, only to see it (Stalkeraggio or sweetness? sweetness Take it to come on) . When it was decided to ask her out, he discovered that his girlfriend had recently.

Personally I found the nerds, but so cute. I . Ludovica practically from dell'idiota and tells him that way more than seven years. But that bitch.

In the confessional, 'Is self-propelled inflatable doll things worse. And here I quote verbatim:

"At first glance you see that is a bit 'strong as image"

"It's not a pretty boy is obvious, if I see him suddenly in room I take a shot "
I'd say that speaks for itself.

Ok, Woo really has a mouth that is scary, but 'is that sentence in the face is not exactly the best of education:
"E' monstrous retinue, Did not I ever told anyone ?
No darling, with these words, the daughters would probably not ever tell anyone. The only hick
with gravel in the brain that you are not ashamed to do it was you.

episode on 21/04/2010

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa ... I missed!
I saw only the last two minutes, where they were taken a few nerds who were trying to teach some basic geometrical rules (The triangle, the unknown) the pupae.
From what I saw as the nerds teachers do pity
explain things too difficult.
not that they are complex things that 'girls should get into the ste CERV ... under the hair
, but there are simpler ways to explain the two cows that have to teach.

Oh, and if the director does not stop with 'sti Muzzi and flashbacks to' sti verses idiots might as well get angry. Already
duran little bets, even minute to minute rubateci showing stuff already seen and we are right!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Signs Of Period Coming

The Pupa and Secchione: First puntatone 18/04/2010

Yes, ladies and gentlemen!
Yesterday, for the happiness of the people, and continues the Reality (No no excuse Paola, Talent -? - Show) and more insane in Italy! With Papi
that is increasingly a Pupa, and Barale really serious and manly in his black suit, all begins with a flourish.
competitors already know them, avendoveli I presented last night. Now, let's quickly get to know the couples, formed by choice of the Dolls.
Choice lot of fun, it seemed, given the great laughter and comments all the morons who have seasoned. Things on the elementary level (first grade, underline) of "Nah, I never him: .." and various gestures of derision. But
tirarsela less? You stupid cunt but, Is he the case of lowering the crest lacquer? Ok,. I show you who have caught these poor guys:
Cavazzoni + Francesca

De Camillis + Flo

Garagozzo + Monica

White + Maria Teresa

Cortecci + Ludovica

De Giovanni + Elena

Tassinari + Pasqualina

Poor, poor dear. How I pity you. Note
plus how they got nicer with more goats. Adversity and cruel, and I cheer for who the hell? Mah
The goal of the game there is now explained by the Popes. I take back what he really meant all those senseless words:
1) The pupae will evolve from the state of cockroaches in which they pay. Must arrive at least at the developmental stage of the Apes. Probably fail in their aim.

2) The nerds will devolves to the state of tronista, why are people normal and too smart to keep the world in 2010 and Papi otherwise feel stupid.

Among soft-porn video of Automats, micro swimsuit in a bathroom, you arrive at the first trial:

The Pumpkin Quiz (Why the zucchetta Halloween? Poor budget?)

The test is carried out as follows: The pupae will sit on a chair, legs crossed rigorously, and guess, looking at photos, the names of some famous names in art, politics and science.
The nerds will sit behind the desk, visibly lamented the ignorance abysmal (True or shape) of their companions.

We can watch beautiful scenes, which I reproduce in full. A
not tell us you believe.

Francesca / Cavazzoni:

Garibaldi is a Pastor-
After laboriously guessed the name of Manzoni, Papi asks Francesca to continue "The May 5".
Papi "Eih was ..."
Francesca: "Lake Como ..." (My God ..)
add to the sadness that dancing badly. A pole. Thank goodness that is his subject eh ...

Elena (who was about to fall from the chair) / De John
Alemanno is a monaco -.-
Papi: "Who said" the die is cast "?" Elena: "Well hello"
Meanwhile, poor John De laughs hysterically trouble in realizing that it was stuck. After
guessed the name of Alemanno: "Alemanno and the Mayor of Rome, or Jesus' OO
After guessed that Alemanno and the Mayor of Rome, not of Rome, the fans start immediately with the ballet, because it took him half an hour.

Ludovica / Correspondence: According
Ludo, Gianni Letta is Dr House and the nerd gets his hair ...
Galileo Galilei is Santa Claus ... (Epic Fail)
Papi, to guess the dear girl who's character, chooses a method to put it mildly vulgar: "He has a long and very long thing that starts with Ca .. begins to Ca .. "Galileo
thanks, but no telescope has a long and very long ...
Battuta already made during the last year, plus.
The girl, basically a brain has it, and rebuke, saying "And it is one which is called the same? Galileo Galilei? "And if I
Popes were ashamed to be taken for a ride from a pupa.

Maria Teresa / White:

Reference Papi: You speak Italian? ( that stress is likely, Papi dear, ask her if she is able to write ...)
Fausto Bertinotti is Moccia. (Fossi Bertinotti take a libel h)
Maria Teresa offers little satisfaction and no other figures Barbini.

Flo and de Sandro Pertini Camillis
Onassis (But where the hell they pull out?)

curtain to pull and to take our breath tested brain starting to wonder if they really are essential to survival, as pupae apparently survive well even without it.
During this pause, Sgarbi from the goat and salami Papi. Already
st'uomo I was on the ovaries before, imagine now that because of him I also agreed with Sgarbi ...
It should never happen again!

Resume in style with the torque
Pasqualina / Tassinari
Pietro Fassino is neurotic, was released from a mental hospital and looks like a lizard. Pasqualina also asks if it is "dried-up well with the money?" -
.- After crippling as Bean, -.- Fasino and others, to get there.
After that, moment of wonder! The Dalai Lama has been recognized now * _ * Pasqualina is practically a genius, compared to last year's competitors. What after all is not so ignorant? No, probably just watch more news than others. I will not delude myself, remember that you went there to humiliate his own free will.

Finally comes the time of the last couple: Monica

/ Garagozzo
Monica makes a pretty picture Barbini, but I was already exhausted so I just marked. My attention was awakened, however, with these two pearls:
1) Giorgio President Napolitano is called uu Napulille It is called after a half hour of suggestions.
2) Roberto Maroni is a Glass Maron, after another half hour of crap -.- humiliating

God, it was difficult to get to the end. Absolutely terrible. But, at least for this game, I made it without my attention too calasse beyond the limits of the watch. After going worse and I lose whole pieces, but you can not really expect. I have already died so pretty neurons.

During the separation between a test and the other Platinette, in its infinite subtlety, he makes us see that this year the boys are far from unwatchable. And do not make those faces skeptical! What, do you remember the Mountains? Mh? No?
me then I'll remember uu
(The bowls are in the closet for vomiting, last door on the right. Servitevene well)

were saying. The producers have chosen this year guys certainly not physical, that may not have the adoni, but who are absolutely and easily watchable.
Some even call them cute.
Unfortunately, once we discover the reason for this choice. Not for clemency to the category of geeks, (After all, the pupae are deficient to the last point, and then click nerds nice to preserve the honor of intelligent people would choose favorites) but to strip them without provoking attacks of nausea to the collective studio audience and viewers.
Yes, I said strip.

The second test is the following fact: In

underwear and socks, the geeks will have to imitate the poses of a bodybuilder, and will then be judged on their physical and athletic, you do not know under what parameters.
Seven = Seven votes than competitors.
I would have liked a clear classification, but apparently the producers did not think like me.
fact you do not understand a shit, and I do not waste even bring back the votes they got. So were assigned completely at random.
I say only that ranged from "unwatchable" to "Poor, through" Terrible. " The rest of the comments was the same tone.
I've found something cute at all. At pupae mica have given the vote! I can only imagine how they would have screamed, those geese, if they had called "Goats" "ignorant" or "deficient", all terms which, however, inevitably come to mind the poor viewer.

Small detail: The poor culture was masked by the Hulk, for an unspecified reason. How did the show we could have won, unaffected by light green paint that guy, we can not know. Mysteries of Real Talent Show.

Following this last test of genius, the jury decides who to save and who not, depending on personal taste.
In fact, even if the court is five, the only one with power of decision has Sgarbi (Good choice, really). To which I ask: But if you decide at the end is one, what the fuck you take five to do, judges? To get them to fight better?
likely, given the temper that had everyone,
Platinette, above all, unleashes a beautiful Flame shittin Elena.
Plati has not been very kind, ok. But it is also true that you know what it is. It 'really the case to cry for a couple of comments are not positive?
Elena, really ... Have you wanted to show in public all over your stupidity and intellectual inadequacy, it is normal that they will reach the chapel of criticism. Plati because if you said you're too thin and that the blonde is no longer in fashion you cry, if that ever happened in these places what do you do? You cut a vein with a razor blade D & G? You are pathetic
girl! Especially
because three and a half seconds after laughing and joking. False and pathetic. And goat.
Currently more than you do me the fuck alone is Flo.
Yeah, Flo. That for two positive comments are not exactly proved to be the beast (Roach) is rude and starts to make the acid.
What then ... Plati is on the jury. You'll know how you react when someone is rude, no? Begins to tease. What
that fact has consistently begun to do, arguing that the girl looks too fake and laminating. Both for the character, that for all the silicone goes into your body. Since we rebuilt between means, the Parietti (That's another of the judges) defends a sword, only to make a big fool of herself.
I can only agree with Plato, and suffer much for De Camillis that if the will to endure. That guy I think one of the best and most promising competitors, it's really a pity that it got stuck on the sciacquetta. Probably caused him to lose all chance of victory.

torque Garagozzo / Monica say that he seems Harry Potter as an old man, and she was young Cicciolina.
Lollar and I can only agree.
The other comments are silly, just as couples who are subject.
sure as the game will go all start to stand out in some way, for better or for worse, but for now the ones that stand out are little.
After the vote, only three pairs are saved.
The others continue to play.
What follows is a game of rare dementia and boring, that's more insulting the name of one of the most cool and sexy Italian comic (and world): Diabolik

As pupae they stay magnificence on a bed in underwear, geeks, stuffed into a black garbage bag, should demonstrate their athleticism and knowledge of gossip following a path, and restoring a painting of some famous women of the show. The framework to be "stealing" is the one representing the companion of the famous person whose picture is hung above the bed of its pupa. A whore of unspeakable rarity, in fact.
To retrieve the picture the kids will have, in order: Jumping an obstacle in the shape of the window, landing on a mattress, do a forward somersault and a back walking pace of some animal (rhino, ostrich, tiger, rabbit ...), stab an apple and then advance with a ratchet and the framework.
arrive at work and found the right one, the girls will have to solve simple mathematical calculations to unlock the "combination". Giving the right answers, will allow nerds to take the picture, appenderselo back, re take the step of some strange beast and jump another hurdle.
The test is painful, something drab.
The boys have the reflexes of a marine sponge, and the girls get flustered with the most basic calculations.
Some examples:

Papi: 16x2? Ludovica: Eh? Papi: Sixteen for two? Ludovica: 14. Papi: Sixteen-for-two? Ludovica: 30 ...
Papi: 15x2? Maria Teresa: 45
Papi: 5x8? Monica: 47 or 46

You save another couple, and I understand that I will have to put up two more toys idiots. The brain begins to colarmi ears, but I did not turn back.
And I hurt. Oooooh, if I'm wrong.
In fact, my stubbornness, means that those damn producers can destroy a myth: Dr. House.
What is played by ... sigh ... by Papi.
hate them!
A single episode of eroticism and killed two of my favorite fictional characters. What will happen in two months?
'll come alive on that date? Or my brain will rebel, killing me?
For now we do not know, while we play the third peck idiot.

This time, the pupae, dressed as nurses with the dresses porn from sex shops, will have to indicate parts of the body which will name the Popes.
The game is not that easy, if you do not even know who is Galileo Galilei, but the figure is that the girls are terribly poor.
This time I report faithfully all the questions. Just a couple you would not realize the level of mental degradation that destroys these girls.

(Comments are taken on time and I have not changed:) I find them more meaningful than I could do in the cold: p) and Maria Teresa White

But that sucks, fans see the ears, nose and mouth close. But by then -.-
the test of reflexes.
Ah, they are dressed by nurses porn ... much porn ...

Velupendulo: The what? The velupendulo is the penis ... sure ...
Duodenum: The anchor has drawn on his arm.
pylorus: this is the sternum,
The eustachian tube: it is in the chest uu
extrasystole; you do not have it, I'll have to be small but they were removed on the thighs and Monica uu

Garagozzo: Mado
mouth of Garagozzo! PAVURA
Papi: What is the breath of Garagozzo? Monica: sewage ... * Pesta
Carina Monica's head on a corner *

Prostate: The spleen uu
adductor longus: On leg, on the whole leg.
scaphoid: Below the chest
Hock: On the penis
Coccyx: Pope tells him to turn around and she makes a mess inside thigh uu

Woo and Ludovica:
(Yuck>. \u0026lt;No I can do it, I want to do a waxing Woo j___j underwear looks like a stuffed animals!)

infraspinatus: groin or under the pectoral
Spleen; guessed it!
Liver: Guess!
Main back: Guess!
gluteus maximus: Guess!
Twins: testicles
I can not believe it OO I guess four out of six! Ok, those who guessed The also knew my cousin, and was much easier for others ... But come on. the enthusiasm is there! I would bet anything that would not have guessed the right position of the spleen and liver.
Ludo, is still ignorant, but gains a few points. Brava!

Oh, my Lord GoS thanks for your small mercies. This game is over.
missing the last one! * Launch of hats in the air *

But since the mercies are, as I said, little before the end we caught a video of babes show us the best of what they do. What will speak the video?
Nothing. Yeah. It was obvious, right?
Practically, it is a simple video in which bathe, make and move like smorfiosette of porn on the set (I'm sure he had his own dignity Cicciolina outside of work ... and probably even while working ). Seriously, I hope they did it on purpose, because if that is their normal behavior are going badly. But a lot. Barale
The bolus injection of sadness saying, proudly, "Did you see what they are capable our babes?" It
dear, we've seen. They know how to make hoes (I forgive prostitutes by profession, at least that's a job). But what is difficult and demanding -.- From Paola, already feel sorry for 'ste Christian, then if you say' these things the audience laughs!

Move to the last test. I do not believe that I have come this far ... was an ordeal. However
. Papi introduces us joked that will touch the high peaks of television culture.
That worries me, tell jokes, and not a little.

CVD (End of proof)
The ruin is to be read, and then summarize, the pupa an important piece of a philosophical text (can not remember now if it was Socrates or Plato, pardon me) (But they will know to read?) . And this far so good, you say.
Yes, pity that they do in underwear and smeared the body cream on your thighs.
* cry tears of blood. Why you should treat the philosophy that bad? Socrates is that Plato held us all to be read by such human aberrations *

Maria Teresa is doing very well I think. Reads fluently and at the end he also manages to sum up the whole, with a little help of Papi. (But how about though? But it is open it? Lady dear, if you want to work for the show you a fucking speech training ...)

With Monica, however, are touching new heights of intellectual sadness, and I think Socrates is vomiting blood, up there in the highest. So if you see red rain, calm. God is not
who is pissed. It 's just the poor philosopher who dies again, and so worse than the last, if I may say. And I can.

Garagozzo and Monica:
you if I may say has the movements of a novantacinquenne ... really sexy, nothing to say ... No!
And what's more, can not read (Can recognize letters and makes sounds as a result, but that is not read) and does not know the words overt Apology and Wise. Magnificent

And, Ladies and Lord, really ... I did not think that word would create so many difficulties, who was promoted to third grade.

Ludovica in between. Teresa is not as decent, but it has not even touched the heights of ignorance Monica.
It is limited to have fun with this curtain:
Shortly before reading the Phaedrus of Plato (From the director told me that he vomited blood, poor soul)

Papi: Phaedrus who was it? Ludovica
: (Inspired by security ignorant) Phaedrus was in the Big Brother ( From director tell me that Plato ask God to rise again, Ludovica to kill. Maybe he looked at the GF and knows the item?)

tests end up here. In the end, you save the couple gullet / Monica (Probably her abysmal ignorance arouses laughter and decided to keep her as a jester)

are nominated pairs White / Maria Teresa Woo / Ludovica.
What, Ludo is disagreeable, and has offended so hopeless feeling of those who love philosophy (But you remember the Phaedrus
GF ? Brrrr), in addition to the intellectual depth and personal a teaspoon. So I'm sorry for that Woo is not to blame, but I hope this couple to evaporate. We will see next week


Special Live in Villa

We see our heroes who are about to enter into that mega villone fantastic that he is allotted.
if only those poor guys are forced to bear these seven chickens, I envy them.
Everyone, but especially the girls, showing damage to their intelligence, giving, as naïve monkeys, each mobile vaguely pretty or particularly inarticulate and speaking in verse: "Uuuuuuuuh", "aaaaaaaaaaah", "Beeeeeeello. .. and so on. We fly over ...

From the beginning, looking at the specimens confined in the house, I understand to be a genius of the evaluations.
Flo is actually sour and ignorant bitch that had seemed to be, you start to make the
hysterical because the room is small and demands that both lockers that are occupied by the drawer's things (How much fucking stuff it will reach? OO), De Camillis mind should support all on a sofa.
And the tone was not at all playful and gentle.
was an "I'm cool and you are ugly then I'm in charge." Bitch.
surprise you, pulls De Camillis out the balls and tells her to calm down and take a chamomile.
I like this man! The program makes sense, finally! Being able to see this headless
treated as he deserves, not only as a queen because she has her pussy (I'm sorry but ...) and distribute it generously, that the effort to watch 'I'm sick.

De Camillis shows us that includes the paired with who the hell, trying to get rid of asking the other kids in the house if by chance they do not want to do in return.
to underline the NO! collective came in response to demand.
How I laughed at 'I am right now ...

This humorous note with a toast, close both the first episode of The pupa Return the bucket-and-that my first review.
E 'was hard, believe me.

Ps: Sorry if I dwell on explanations, the next time let go. Was to understand what it was talking to those who has never seen and never will look at.

PPS: It 's very long and I'm tired after ricorreggo The XD: p

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby Born Sms To Frends

The Pupa and Secchione: Presentation Competitors


Elena Moral
20 years. I could not live without her hair, describes "dizzy and easily offended." Culture? "A boring".
Conclusion: At least he realizes to be stupid. It 'a step forward.

Flo Malincea
26 years. Do you think that culture is "a thing for old men" and that the exhibitions are "too many things on display meaningless." In life, however, has a goal: "to conquer anyone, regardless of whether I like it or not."
Conclusion: Flo, in addition to carrying on the lapel of his ignorance, like a medal for bravery, is a bitch. Go
as Flo, a bet and you're already on the cock ^ ^
Francesca Lukasik
23 years. For her love is "a sandwich with nutella that every so often I treat myself. " Does not read newspapers because "dirty hands me the paper and me dry."
Conclusion: What should I comment? What? Do you bother to wash your hands well to remain ignorant? Non ho parole.
Ludovica Leoni
28 anni. Si ritiene un po’ “snob”, dedica a se stessa buona parte della giornata, non potrebbe mai fare a meno di “tacchi e specchi” e come “compagna di shopping” vorrebbe una carta di credito illimitata.
Ps: Conclusion empty, just like Ludovic.

Maria Teresa Lombardi
20 years. He loves the massages ("When I make one I would stop time"), it is dedicated to education because it believes that "to know something about everything aid that much "and did not inform, so" if something bad happens I realize, because I feel the old folks talk about the bus stop or my mom is that she tells it. "
Conclusion: Mary, puppy ... No, nothing. Stay well, soul and brain dead white .
Monica Ricchetti
23 years. He dreams of becoming "managers of itself, like Paris Hilton." He lives by the body as a "work" and only read the newspaper horoscope.
Conclusion: Monica, why, you read? From the beautiful proof of the first puntatone did not appear.
The fact that Hilton is even cited as a positive example makes me hope that Monica did not receive a very metaphorical kick in the ass very quickly.

Pasqualina Sanna
19 years. A Life made of drinks and disco nights. He wakes up late in the morning and does nothing, at home and in life in general. He believes that the image is 'everything' in this society.
Conclusion: Pasqualina Woman = useless for herself and the world. A sheer waste of space.
Its existence is likely to become more significant because of me, who will use his television appearances to entertain you, my / i love / readers.

Frederick White
Fascinated by the study, has always had a fondness for linguistics, semiotics and literature. We define intelligent, dedicated and a great connoisseur of culture in general, does not like to shop, buy clothes once or twice a year, but never go beyond the shelves of jeans and shirts, at most, a shirt for special occasions formal. Cinephile, describes himself as a stubborn often balks matter of principle, the first approach tends to be detached, resulting arrogant, cold or grumpy. It 's a Otaku
Roberto Cavazzoni
and very little comes out to do so, preferring to wait for the summer. He does not like clubbing or crowded places where there is too much noise. As a child he enjoyed a notebook to jot down ever larger numbers from scratch. He says he is tenacious and patient, but also forward-looking and helpful. He acknowledges, however, they are also insecure and sometimes touchy. Robert hates the inconsistency and hypocrisy and loves long walks, because they allow him to relax and be alone with his thoughts. Does not cure its image, but is obsessed with personal hygiene. Electronic research and independent inventor.

Andrea Andrea Woo is defined available and patient, at times, however, even unpleasant. It 's always been attracted to anything that requires intellectual engagement, his favorite subjects of study are bracketed morphology and descriptive, but did not deny a certain propensity for the design and vision science. Member of the League Nerd, Andrew, can not stand-nothing. She hates jeans and tank tops.
E 'an Industrial Designer

Valerio De Camillis
According to Valerio all born smart, or with the potential to be, but the brain must be trained, or intelligence atrophies. She loves anything that involves reasoning. It 's a program of services on the Web and collect cans of Energy Drink
Fulvio De Giovanni
Perfectionist and presumptuous likes to make fun of people who demonstrate a clearly lower than its culture, we would accuse him of be pedantic. His parents consider him a true genius or something like a mad scientist. . Social life is not for him, despite living in a city with great nightlife, like Milan. He works as a Software Engineer
Luca Garagozzo

For him, "Chemistry is Chemistry and Life is life": a passion that began when a child flipping through the books of the mother, a pharmacist. During his academic career has always worked hard and was not confined only to subjects of this examination, but was constantly looking for new ideas and insights, reading essays and scientific articles. Environmental consultant and safety in the workplace.

Luca Tassinari

type A rigorous, precise and rational, but not constringetelo to go into the subway or go to a gallery: the idea that it could not escape the their fate in case of danger for him is a real phobia. Dreams of becoming a university professor, but do not mind the researcher. His family is described as the prototype of the good boy, good, polite, with great ability and led to the study. Collect cards.

overall conclusion for geeks: They're all brains losers, checcavolo I add? They are distinguishable only by the appearance for now! è_é. Ah, yes. At least they have a recognizable character and descriibile and any interest other than the manicures and shopping.

Well, my little girls! See you soon with the review of the first episode of the pupa and the geek!

Ps: I know that I had to post this kind of thing on the blog but ... them is a mess to fix the image, and this program I already tired of her brain. I do not want sclera with photos and with the post -.-
here and then throw it all away uu

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Coconut Oil Instead Of Butter

fanfiction Review: NonDimenticartiDiMe of Latok

Yes, I know.
Reviews of movies and books hiding in favor of 'crap Ste.
But I understand, once you read this ... thing.
-I promise that tomorrow I'm going to work on that of Alice, Giurin giuretta uu-

But now we start with ...

Title: NonDimenticartiDiMe
Author: Latok
Site Origin: EFP
Abstract: The author has no major problems with grammar or syntax. But a story written in an Italian semi-comprehensible is not automatically decent, as was stated in a moment.

Me Not Forgotten. (This title gives me a satisfaction that you can not imagine)

.. Losing someone you love

is losing half of yourself ..

.. forget someone you love

is to lose yourself .. (As I like these early full of pathos)

-1 ° Chapter

" Please do not go, do not leave me .." (Latok, not to break right away, but if the "three points" are called "Three points," perhaps there is a reason, you say that?)

"I .."

" is NOT TRUE! YOU DO NOT OWN ANYTHING! " (The crowd suddenly)

I screamed. I was shaken (We had noticed a thread, you know, dear?) , the news I had arrived an hour before the departure of Gustav ..

"Calm down treasure .. You will be 'to find, you know .. "

" No, I do not want. remains O x or disappearing forever . " (I would not again break the balls, but not in the stories is that it emphasizes to minchiam. There are other ways to make it clear to the reader that a certain sentence is important. But obviously does not know them Latok)

was blackmail but he had to decide and I would not have been able to see him back x (Sigh) then leave again. I could not let it go. I was too fragile ..

" Sorry .. .. I love you " (Menomale. love her but you feel an hour before you go in for Butt we do not know what. Carino six)

He said giving me a the last kiss face (I said "Giving me a last kiss on the forehead?" What strange greeting) , then around 'and got into the car. ( Ah, the whole 'mess I'm in the middle of the road?)

" .. Fuck .. "

I went back home (yes, they were in the middle of the road)

" Ah Aaaaaaahhhhh (It would be a laugh to Nelson? Seems a scream) if your type not gone! "

" MONSTER NO MORE !!!!!" (Ma do not need 'is string of exclamation! It is understood, however, that screams. And the capital is a way to yell vulgar characters. It took was a "I cried" after the phrase h)

yelled (Ah here, you see that you know are not case sensitive. So why use them?) in full hysterics to my brother. He knew it was a serious matter and I embrace ' (Spaces at random) .. I burst into tears. My sister was the only person who could understand me. My mother was never home and my father had moved to Italy with his new wife (Useful, since they do not even know the name of the protagonist) . Days went by and I feel more and more depressed ("A feeling" here there is a bad thing, but a bad thing) that Gustav would not let me in peace because I had deleted all my messages and my numbers when I said that started (Actually you did not, or does start Latok scenes moments random skipping steps useful?) sent me messages from your phone Bill or Tom or Georg ( He might as well skip this part then. But that unnecessary scenes) .. But I did not answer.

-2 ° Chapter

FIVE YEARS AFTER (Five years and we still do not even know the name of the protagonist)

" Tokiiiiiiiiii!! "( God, the self-insercion spudoratissima no, please!) (But, Toki, a curiosity. We fit the keys when you type? What is' I'm surplus" i "?)

" dicaaaaaa me!" (Yes, the keys fit) (I think so because I'm good, not disilludetemi)

I tappai ears (I'd do it too, but if I plug my eyes I can not review. cruel world)

" off immediately! "

" Ugh ......" (But you can not always put two dots and then put together ten! not work!)

She lowered her 'till I could no longer' hear the cd Tokio Hotel (She heard the CD, not the music. Like me, I drink glasses, not containing water)

" was not a question was a statement. Shut Down. "

She died quite (What he says about then off to do if it does she?)

" How did you sclerotic Flee! " (But apart from that. Flee .. but who the fuck are you?)

spoke she just said "Bill," shouted by-splitting eardrums. But these are details. (So Flee is the protagonist? Latok I destabilizes. I'm not understanding anything)

" When is Tokio?" (The Toki and The Tokyo who are they? Who is speaking? DICK)

" I do not know 'half , "The Star

was my absolute half (Who the fuck is Stella?" There was ever made!) . I could not live without her.

"treasure uh .." (Poor two points thrown at random in the middle of the page and ripped away at their little brother)

" delete it." (Delete what? Please Latok, add a subject, an explanation ...)

"But Maybe .."

"No .

Every day, he sent messages to Toki. Torture. (No, the only message sent. The torture something a little different)

" So does anything .. (Scene so useful that the characters themselves realize that they "do nothing" if they are ignored) So .. Come with me to the concert? "

" If I've obligated (When was this?) , it is only logical that I love to be there .. .-. "

Sbuffai. For my birthday I had bought 4 tickets for the concert of Tokio Hotel .. ( But do not compel it, you got just got tickets!) (The third bullet, by God!)

Sta bitch! (Yeah, real cruelty. Denunciala got to get you the tickets)

" BEAUTIFUL" (Now who is he? Who called?)

" Bellaaaaa tesooooooo'!!!!"

" Cappellaiaaaa Good day! " (Ready, hygiene center mental? Hello. I wish you came to pick up some obviously disturbed individuals. Yes Yes, find the address at the beginning of the review. Thanks)

The Denise (Who the fuck is Denise? Where comes out?) we had nicknamed "Mad Hatter" ..

Feel .. is the same! Mad, there is no one like her! (is justified because he knows that is a bitch)

" Hello to you too, Stregatta Abstract! xD " (Smilies! Madonna How beautiful smilies in a written text. Adorable) (Yes, I was ironic. Smilies stories suck the raccoons)

And I was the Stregatta Abstract because my favorite animals are cats. (I like horses, but it's not that my friends call me Cavalla Golosa)

" Shaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!" (But because the characters scream? But Latok speaks like in real life?)

My brother called me by name. (Shaaaaaaaaa your name? What a funny name)

My mother was at home. (What hits with the fact that your brother calling you?)

" Arrival Aaron!"

I climbed the stairs to quickly followed by two girls and I arrived in the kitchen (Ok, at least now we know that there were three. Too bad you have at least five or six names / nicknames and you do not know who the fuck associate)

" Hello baby! So everything okay? "

" All wonders. "

replied coldly (But why wrap? Mica does not work that way. There you go in case h)

" Sharon .." (Ok, we summarize. Shaaaaaaaaa The protagonist is called, Sharon, Cat, Flee and Toki. The thing speaks for itself)

reproach me 'my brother

"No. Just . I'm going to try. YOU come from? " (But you have your period? What 'response is?)

" One moment .. "

Lara had arrived, his girl. (useful characters enter the scene. But then what is' house is a station?)

"Flee Hello! Hello .. I love .. "

call me" Flee "because when I sing I resemble LaFee ( For the uninitiated, like me, is a famous German singer) so it's a kind of abbreviation. (Trivia: But when you sing you transfigure, that looks like the only time, or do you express yourself like a goat and Tibetan mean that your voice like his?) (In reality, Tibetan goats are very intelligent animals)

" Come on !!!!" (Ok, stop. From now on I will not comment more clearly the contempt he feels towards Latok punctuation. I do not know that there have been disagreements between the two, but it must be serious stuff. Latok otherwise would not so bad)

" I do not stand over, little sister .."

" .. Script .."

My favorite phrase was "I do not have him" .. But you can 'say I was our sentence! (If we can explain something in a while. But so eh, it's a suggestion. It is crucial that we understand it, so we're just readers)

As the necking stopped (when I started ? Latok Why not tell us what to combine your characters? I feel sad ) , the Lalla (But yes, other nicknames Throw! Joy! So the story follows so easily ...)

I said "Come with us to see the new music store? I heard that there are some magnificent batteries! And then you do not know 'who's famous! Eddaiiiii .. .. -Eyes-Sweet- (I'm going to throw up a second, sorry. This "-Eyes-Sweet," he stretched out)

sighed. (Me too)

" .. All right .. " (.. Sigh ..)

you start 'jumping around making small urletti. (Who knows when I called the nurses come first?)

" not ask?"

I said my mother. (But Christ! Already a club you do not understand, plus wraps a dick ... he does this deliberately?)

" Both TU you out again, then .. " (If you were my daughter did not come out for six months, know this)

I turned to the girls

" Come?"

"yes .." (This is all wrong. Segnatevelo: The affirmative particle wants to focus! )

" you .." ( It 'just so convinced you write ...)
My mother still'

" Bring Larissa." ( Other characters in Muzzano)

" Sese .." (Even if it is good to pass off the excuse "The teenagers talk like that," the right phrase would be "if, if ..."


arrived at the shop with my little sister Larissa and the other girls saw a lot of geese, of which two were pulling my hair screaming that I do not know 'who was his only ..


"Flee From ! Spicciatiiii>. \u0026lt;" (Do not take it anymore with these vowels stretched to infinity)

"Ooooo arrivooooo" (OK, pretend it did not open his mouth)

I went with my sister making me space in her arms. Was three years old but weighed a bang .. XD ("XD" what? "What is there to do" XD "?)

" Batteieeeee! Batteieeeeee! "

I screamed in my ears. (Brava child. Larissa already I like it. E ' the most marked character, yet. We know his name and his age) Also she liked the batteries. Come to the right place (It was a point in the space on the ground that says "The right place?" Just to what?) I stopped to watch a beautiful Black Pearl (Point)

" Beaaaa Beaaaaaa! & Rdquo ;

Lari had depressed and she of course I run 'on.

" Shit! Larissa! "

then began to chase it did not see more 'and went into absolute panic. (Ma a child of three years does not run like Usain Bolt. Even if it catches the beat, if you have a broken leg)

" Hey ness! Where is .. "

" I DO NOT KNOW! " (But she ran three seconds ago! What, you are teleported?)

I said screaming. Aaron hug me '.

"Ok Sha .. Calm down .. Now we find it .. " (Of course, calmly ...)


Niky94: Oh mein Gott! Tipaaaa Danke! *.* You make me move ..

dumb-me-I keep if you keep your xk I'm dying to curiositààààààà ;!!!!!!! (died) >. \u0026lt;A super kiss! \u0026lt;3

Now we turn to warnings .. Can not 'be that Miglionico (MiGlioni. Yeah. The famous "Miglionico" by Marco Polo) of people present a I do reviews! (Actually can not be someone who positively reviewed ... It 's very strange)


Warning: If no one I reviewed, I do not go on .. I'm sorry! (I guess that the continuity, after my) (How much are these warnings on the fuck? Rather than blackmailing a review site so I'll eat your hands. If you write just to get review then it is useless! This prostitution is a literary)

Oh thanks, it's over.
The next two chapters tomorrow, which are now exhausted.
do not know how we can expect Fanfo someone reads this ... written ... story ... uhm ... this thing for fun.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Starting A Baking Business

Special Review (fanfiction) Ehyyy of _TataTokietta_

Good evening, my beloved poisoned sweets. How are you? I
tonight, thanks to the PMS (premenstrual syndrome ), I feel bad and sour.
What does that mean for you? Whether you
pecks a review. But no review whatsoever.
Tonight, I offer you in sacrifice a fanfiction!
Pour a cup of tea and take some muffins (watch those cyanide, I do not want to collect dead bodies), which begins!

(My comments in brackets in pink)
Title: Ehyyy (If good day starts in the morning ... I commend the title, really)
Author: _TataTokietta_ (And also for the nickname)
Site of origin:
EFP (EFP permits only brief quotations, but the story is all over long- begins to count - seven lines.
How do you make BRIEF citations, with seven lines of history?
You can not, then I'll rattle and throw in the ficcina 'LJ entirely.)

(BAMBI) (Bambi?) I and Sara walk through the streets of Berlin, we just leave the disc ... We see a guy more than anything else we feel her presence (No, then ... Either you see or feel it, you decide) ... We run at incredible speed towards him when I (Clearly, these personal pronouns a cock is totally unnecessary. It was clear already that it's you feel the wall, and my grandmother who was passing by) feel like a wall, as if I were to beat ... oh no, the blood is too irresitibile (Oh my God, a Crossover-Twilight Tokio Hotel. Kill me) (The wall would be the smell of blood?) I must go or hold your breath ... (Go, please. At least the story ends now) Sara have more endurance, I do not. I ask him what it's called (Sara?) , when suddenly I admit ... Tom Tokio Hotel (Ovvio. Two vampire fangirl walk to Berlin and by chance meet their idol on the floor half dead. Credible) ... I think: "oh casserole dish, but I just had this happen here?!? (What ungrammatical way of thinking) "oook, and mo what? (Go back to school and learn grammar?) (No eh?) simple, I call his brother! (Of course) I also see a sudden bill (see What do you like least. But you could still Capitalize name) lying on the ground bleeding and re-think, "what the fuck! but two out of two tonight? " (Natural, Sara was left without a suitor otherwise) watch them ... They are too good to be able to bleed to death ... (That seems so cool if you can not physically die in 'so here I am) I tell Sary - tense, I can not leave them to die like this! or I'll do it or you do it! - will nods his head and throws up bill bite, I do the same with tom ... (pretending not to notice that a phrase first said that it was just one of two. Oops ...) which are passed out luck, otherwise you know that screams! (What you say, it contains the enthusiasm, as it is out of place?) load them in the car (Appearance of nothing, since early ambulation case) and bring them to our house ...- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- (What is' is stripe?) Ta dan! here is a new storiaaa! understand what we are? (Sure you want to know?) (Two stupid / Mormon vampire? No, because they are synonyms) comunqueeee ... the next chapter will be about half and half will tom on ( The character, dammit! ) (In FF there are eleven personal names. Four capital letters, not seven. So you know the simple rules, Tata. You refuse to apply their own!) . .. happy reading! Dory

I would like to point out that I was good and I did not correct all the mistakes, because otherwise it would come out, even if the script is short.
Now to the beautiful comments, they deserve.

XxxX_Ice Angel_XxxX
Doryyyyy!! (Enthusiasm A Cappella) Viewed ke I did? Anyway I knew ... This story is fantastic! (I would have to say) Wow! as a good beginning promises moooooooolto (Ri I would fault) , sn me soooooo curious (Me Tarzan, You Quote) cm to see more. Anyway I like the name Bambi! (In fact it is a great name ... for a fawn)
continues, I recommend
great!! ( No) kussoni (Kussoni?)

mlt but I like you poxxo kiedere a favor? you can put in HTML xk is written so small Voja close the page (not for HTML that one would like to close the page, I assure you. Instinct right, wrong reason) (Indeed, it is so short that HTML is less of a problem, I would say) and then lost a fic ke maybe it bellixxima (No looking, quiet. You do not lose anything) continues .... soon .... cmq Kuss (But what is' kuss I did not this kiss? ) Saltellina14

For today we finished, I thank the public for the kind attention given me.
If this kind of entertainment is welcome, I will continue.
If there is pleasing, however, continue

^ ^ Ps: The reviews set this way, were created by Poisonous Bites .
I are just inspired.
I find reviews for stories of this kind, are so much fun ^ ^
I would do with books, but of course publish five to six hundred pages in this way is crazy Oo I would steal too much time.
not say that I will continue to set as the comments today, I might style depending on which I seem most suitable for single ficcina.
This time I got it, tomorrow who knows ...