Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What Size Wrench For Xterra Rear Differential

Memento colitis

Today's dramatic mood. I would like to see you, with ulcers and colitis. When the ulcer
storm, and seems to have a hamster that is gnawing at the stomach from the inside, you understand many things: death, world hunger, it must have felt when the Titanic broke in half. Not the people on the Titanic. Just the Titanic.
short, I hit myself my own mountain of ice, and now the waves of the Atlantic are flooding me. Glug, glug, glug.
I do not have a boat: and if there was one, if it would have taken a bimbominkia.
Ass I sank, so I can not hope for his help to save me, and Ass II (Immanuel, the cast Dinghy) remained without oars, so even if I could inflate without Ruben, I'd stay afloat like a cork for eternity, with penguins show me and I laugh with the fin from the tip of the iceberg.
I do I can do.
But I just can not do. Wake up in the
morning with a nausea that even impressed by Ron MangiaLumache, continues day in and out of the toilet in my house as if I had the tapeworm (and will not say why typhoid is much better to avoid the subject!), swallowed painkillers such as peanuts and I become increasingly convinced that there is no God because if there was would not make a good impression.
So, in short, that fall santioni roll of the crucified to Castelnuovo.
And the doctors look at me, clasping her fingers, smiles and says: "It's stress."
Sticazzi. But
Stress is when I see your Smilies dall'abbronzatura primary color (mahogany is a particularly intense, reproduced in hardware stores to give the shine to furniture) that smile, and your pink mouths forming the words "irritable bowel".
But your arms, shaking of the head and the old but still effective, "Look, I do not know what to tell you" have now gone out of fashion?
Because the two expressions are equal, then, might as well ...
But no. Prendon me for a ride. What is good is that gastroenterologists, though!
What a wonderful thing would be healthy, some volta.Se had to heal, this post is a warning for the future: a wake with a smile and a kind word for everyone, bimbiminkia, Truzzi, including jocks, every time I did not colitis just got out of bed.


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