but look at the story that makes you jokes! I understand
At the end of capitalism also came to an end. Who would have thought. The French philosopher Gorz has called a living death, because it survives in forms and heads, but not in substance. In fact, the capitalist system is no longer able to perform its function, namely to produce development.
Capitalism is based on an assumption: I produce, you buy it. But the relentless race for efficiency, not to be undermined by competition, means that the producer makes less and less recourse to the employment of people with irreversible and increasingly intense. Here is the huge collapse in the purchasing power of households. But if the mechanism is not capable of distributing wealth, people do not buy e il sistema va in tilt.
La finanza ha drogato per qualche decennio il sistema, come meglio ha potuto. Ma ora il re è nudo.
Sorvolo sulle possibili conseguenze di questo crollo, magari ci torno un'altra volta.
Quello che invece mi interessa dire è che la risacca del capitalismo lascia però decenni di cultura capitalista, entrata tanto profondamente nella nostra carne, da non farci accorgere che tutto sta cambiando e da spingerci a impostare ogni nostro rapporto in ottica mercantile.
La tipica distinzione di ruoli su cui poggia il capitalismo, per cui io produco tu compri, e non facciamo parte di un'unica collettività ma viviamo su due pianeti diversi, fa si che non si riesce neppure più ad immaginare cosa significhi not be something customers, but those directly responsible. Get
the environment. It almost seems to be an issue of WWF or Greenpeace, which we can decide whether or not interest us. Their suppliers, our customers in a "position". Shit, but the problem is ours! Totally ours, because we eat and breathe on this earth! You can not get to the window, because we are already on the road! So
policy. It seems the property of parties, which we call as we would a seller.
But you could say the same thing all over.
is the real disaster that capitalism has made in our heads. And here's where it should be allocated. Giving people the sense of being part of world and no customers in the world.
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