Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Poofy Hair?

bananegiganti Saturday Night @ 2008-10-29T00: 01:00

Here, two stories strangely demented appreciated by the people of EFP, which has (alas) but snubbed my work, er, "seriously."
words. What * more * seriously.
Not that Richard may be regarded as a serious character. O Elizabeth. Or that fancazzista Keith, never mind.
But I digress.

I said. These stories are stupid fanfiction I posted recently on EFP, a receptacle for rubbish and absurd masterpieces (at a ratio of 1:100), delight and torment of every writer FF.
I enjoyed and still enjoy myself like an idiot, to write. Someone
he also enjoys reading them.
The first is an original, dealing with the insane adventures of a young woman of the fifties, separated from his dreams of glory by a passion for the kidney, an avalanche of cats obese and intrusive, and a couple of friends logorrheic.
Apart from an aunt who can not prepare the porridge.
born from my need to make a terrible diet to solve a health problem (and consequently, my tremendous desire for sweets and greasy foods), is peppered with (a very appropriate word) of food, despite these very exciting circumstances, it seems that someone like him. The
received positive reviews have already greatly inflate my already huge presumption.
More advertising for me than anything else, the link here:


He slipped into his room, got away with a kick of your shoes - his feet were swollen like two bagpipes - and dropped back on the bed.
"Meee-ow", made the bed beneath her.
Sighing, Evelyn got up and dislodges yet another overweight cat who had holed up under the bedspread and the animal stretched voluptuously on the platform, before taking the door with a loud yawn. A
Evelyn liked cats, but would have liked to have some 'privacy, sometimes.
For example, having a big striped cat staring at you while you brush your teeth, perched on the vanity of cosmetics, in the long run ended by fatigue. Or take a bath with a red cat, poised on the edge of the tub, stretch a leg to play with the towel.

Keeping an eye on her aunt, Evelyn index slipped cautiously into her mouth and tried to remove from the muffin molar with your fingernail.
A respectable lady does not put his hands in his mouth.
But even goes around with a bun on the palate.
"All right, darling?" Rang aunt in the kitchen.
"Sfhughr," said Evelyn, hard-working. A trickle of drool ran down the long hand.


This is instead a Harry Potter, the auspicious name Harry Pottah In a mission from God
Even more insane the other, speaks of the attempts of a scazzatissima Hermione and Ron as a moron than usual, to get rid of Potty-Potter, who after defeating Voldemort wants to be called His Holiness the walls and challenge the school of magic duels.
the noble initiative participate joyfully, even Draco, Hagrid, and the portrait of Severus Snape.

"Ron, Harry is! Harry. "Hermione snapped, exasperated.
"No. Houdini. "
" Really? "
" No. "
Hermione tries to dominate.

... Harry Potter continued to do what he was doing - that is nothing, as usual - and it seemed he had not even heard.
He sat cross-legged in the grass, the index finger and thumb together to form a circle.
Harry turned slowly toward him. He raised a hand with gifts.
"What are you, son?" He asked, languidly.
Draco was dumbfounded, not even her father dared to call him "son."


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sony Vocaleraser Grey

I had said ...

... And now I do.
Since I am healing from colitis pain in the ass, I thank the
Truzzi, the
ficcyne the writers, their
D & G (Give it to me in Godo)
guy ripping tickets at the cinema Savignano,
that this cute dress from the Tarzan comic markets,
President Kennedy,
Tim Burton,
the old woman selling mushrooms Slovenian Montecreto the curve,
Times New Roman,
Gianfranco Fini,
the one who wrote the crossover between Dr.House and LOTR,
the girl who sent me the episodes of Lost via mail,
Chinese Restaurant,
to that place where I bought broth the corset Scottish
the cell, the
the Barcelona metro ("Excuse me, where is the Rambla?" "Here" "Ah.")
the pussies that speak to what they threw up Saturday night by bus,
Ass I and II,
flowers Rrrrei Costa, Costa
David Bowie,
that much cooler than Alan Rickman,
the Mule,
Men and Women,
the b-movie with Jodie Foster dyke on Saturday night,
the b-movie with Gabriel Byrne who is the husband of Isabella Rossellini who kills Jodie Foster,
the '80s, the golden years of
real big,
years of Happy Days and Ralph Malph,
Mr. Burns, Ralph
banana giant
Donna Tartt, the
I mallow Having regard to the supermarket, the bus
three Truzzi (Thirty-Trent Truzzi entered all the thirty-trotting ...),
steers zompetta front of the board of the Wheel of Fortune,
Nadia, Jean
Dimitri and his pretty wife Vlad, who rrruotola
Morena, rrruotola,
Mika stalk and makes me write the stories, why does Tommy
the good cop, because
Ashu eat the marshmallows, because Luke
managed to pick up in Sardinia,
Marcus and Michael, grandmother
tits Na,
Vladimir Vanja Volinskj Vasilovic,
Homer Simpson,
water at 40 ° to the pool Castelvetro
the professor with whom I have bored all night Mika,
Spandau Ballet, Spandau Prison
martial arts films of the three night
documentary on Rudolf Hess at three in the morning,
three in the morning,
bracelet with garnet,
chocolate orange,
that pain in the ass for first aid, the
TanMobile, Scassomacchina by phenomenal cosmic powers, the gecko
plastic that has fragrant pink and lavender in my car for 15 minutes, then ran out,
Ben Linus,
Dexter, three cats
jam my grandmother,
the barley coffee, I
the September fiole the mujer me mata,
time and straw,
cadets in Modena, home
's Ashu, who looked Popular
idiot sCr1v3v4 c0s1 sU n3tL0g,
glasses for hearts from Lolita, Humbert
99 cents,
scassapalle those controllers on autubus,
buses, the
bus schedules, bus
the communists who are trying to convince you that they are right,
Jehovah's Witnesses in Montagnola
Weird Al,
's Avenue Q,
Henry Winter,
that fag Francis,
the mouse,
my brother, who prepares the coffee and then you forget to drink it,
the other brother that if he drinks,
who I forgot ...?
Ah, yes.
My parents and my friends.
But they do not count.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What Is Slogan Of Indigo Airline

but look at the story that makes you jokes! I understand

At the end of capitalism also came to an end. Who would have thought. The French philosopher Gorz has called a living death, because it survives in forms and heads, but not in substance. In fact, the capitalist system is no longer able to perform its function, namely to produce development.
Capitalism is based on an assumption: I produce, you buy it. But the relentless race for efficiency, not to be undermined by competition, means that the producer makes less and less recourse to the employment of people with irreversible and increasingly intense. Here is the huge collapse in the purchasing power of households. But if the mechanism is not capable of distributing wealth, people do not buy e il sistema va in tilt.
La finanza ha drogato per qualche decennio il sistema, come meglio ha potuto. Ma ora il re è nudo.
Sorvolo sulle possibili conseguenze di questo crollo, magari ci torno un'altra volta.
Quello che invece mi interessa dire è che la risacca del capitalismo lascia però decenni di cultura capitalista, entrata tanto profondamente nella nostra carne, da non farci accorgere che tutto sta cambiando e da spingerci a impostare ogni nostro rapporto in ottica mercantile.
La tipica distinzione di ruoli su cui poggia il capitalismo, per cui io produco tu compri, e non facciamo parte di un'unica collettività ma viviamo su due pianeti diversi, fa si che non si riesce neppure più ad immaginare cosa significhi not be something customers, but those directly responsible. Get
the environment. It almost seems to be an issue of WWF or Greenpeace, which we can decide whether or not interest us. Their suppliers, our customers in a "position". Shit, but the problem is ours! Totally ours, because we eat and breathe on this earth! You can not get to the window, because we are already on the road! So
policy. It seems the property of parties, which we call as we would a seller.
But you could say the same thing all over.
is the real disaster that capitalism has made in our heads. And here's where it should be allocated. Giving people the sense of being part of world and no customers in the world.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Best Brand Of Concealer

bananegiganti @ 2008-10-13T14: 28:00


So this is the result of pressure from Mika.
I'm finishing, but it is clear that my culprit is still reluctant to admit ... But at least now I know who * not * been ...
The last chapters suffer a bit 'haste, alas, but I hope to revive the fortunes of the story on the finish.
Meanwhile, if anyone would like, if anything, leave a comment ...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Why Scorpio Men Disappear

Murder!, She Wrote

Please, ladies and gentlemen, you could put all seated?
Keith? Would you mind ...? Here, yes, sit down next to me.
Should I ask a personal pleasure to the characters of my story ... You can do a little 'to silence, back there? Please? Thanks.
Here, it's getting a bit 'too long.
So it would be helpful if the culprit to come along, save the trouble of looking for him.
confess, in short.
I would make everything much easier.
Maybe I could give him an honorable end, a noble suicide dictated by honor.
I could soften the pain. Nothing
life imprisonment. Maybe a twenty years in prison ...? Becoming fifteen for good behavior ...?
arrest. House Arrest in Florida
A period of rehabilitation in a luxurious home for the wealthy murderers, and then probation.
A period of rehabilitation nursing home in a luxurious beach killers for the rich, and then the parole in Florida.
Someone raised his hand ...? N-no, no, no, it seemed.
An escape to Mexico?
* Pause
* Come on, guys, I'm putting commitment.
An escape to Mexico with the money Keith.
An escape to Mexico with the money by Keith, yacht Mr.Finnegan and Beth in a bikini on the deck.
An escape to Mexico with the money by Keith, yacht Mr.Finnegan Beth and half-naked on the bridge, but with a gag over her mouth.
also add the little house on the beach.
With ADSL connection.
So, I ask only a full confession. Motive, opportunity, the murder weapon.
And what does it mean?
Think about it, okay?
Why, then, look face it: you can not go on for many pages in this way.
I'll have to find the culprit but, sooner or later. So and talk with you! , is' the right thing: CONSTITUTE.
* * Pause for effect
Thank you for your attention, gentlemen. You can go now. *
noise of chairs being moved, general chatter
* If anyone, kindly ... Here I put a box , well, yes ... Anonymously would confirm the name, can do this by placing a note in box. Anonymously.
Thank graa-aunts, all you have been very nice.
Gra-a-aunts. Goodbye, eh, thanks again for your attention.

* sigh * * shaking head *

Keith: See if you write a little story yellow to make a living this way.

What Size Wrench For Xterra Rear Differential

Memento colitis

Today's dramatic mood. I would like to see you, with ulcers and colitis. When the ulcer
storm, and seems to have a hamster that is gnawing at the stomach from the inside, you understand many things: death, world hunger, it must have felt when the Titanic broke in half. Not the people on the Titanic. Just the Titanic.
short, I hit myself my own mountain of ice, and now the waves of the Atlantic are flooding me. Glug, glug, glug.
I do not have a boat: and if there was one, if it would have taken a bimbominkia.
Ass I sank, so I can not hope for his help to save me, and Ass II (Immanuel, the cast Dinghy) remained without oars, so even if I could inflate without Ruben, I'd stay afloat like a cork for eternity, with penguins show me and I laugh with the fin from the tip of the iceberg.
I do I can do.
But I just can not do. Wake up in the
morning with a nausea that even impressed by Ron MangiaLumache, continues day in and out of the toilet in my house as if I had the tapeworm (and will not say why typhoid is much better to avoid the subject!), swallowed painkillers such as peanuts and I become increasingly convinced that there is no God because if there was would not make a good impression.
So, in short, that fall santioni roll of the crucified to Castelnuovo.
And the doctors look at me, clasping her fingers, smiles and says: "It's stress."
Sticazzi. But
Stress is when I see your Smilies dall'abbronzatura primary color (mahogany is a particularly intense, reproduced in hardware stores to give the shine to furniture) that smile, and your pink mouths forming the words "irritable bowel".
But your arms, shaking of the head and the old but still effective, "Look, I do not know what to tell you" have now gone out of fashion?
Because the two expressions are equal, then, might as well ...
But no. Prendon me for a ride. What is good is that gastroenterologists, though!
What a wonderful thing would be healthy, some volta.Se had to heal, this post is a warning for the future: a wake with a smile and a kind word for everyone, bimbiminkia, Truzzi, including jocks, every time I did not colitis just got out of bed.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Diaper Raffle Sayings

... And I watch Indiana Jones

" Why ask me? I write novels. "
Donna Tartt (on the war in Iraq)

God, what annoys me the" settlement culture ". And, no, I'm not talking about the United States nor of them (of questionable taste, but do not want to talk) pretension of spreading democracy.
I'm talking about, more simply, those funny pseudo-intellectuals who, as soon as you see, they begin to break your soul with "You really must read this" or "You must absolutely see that." Or worse: "If you do not watch this, listen to this one, you will never understand how things really are."
I understand that their intentions are noble.
But I think I can read and watch and listen to what I think.
Because if a poor man does not read essays unknown Russian, does not watch movies and Jodorowski Ozpetek, do not believe the idea of conspiracy contained in the songs of Rage Against The Machine then it is ignorant. An apolitical, without any civic sense.
at best.
a conservatism that defends corporations and the U.S. for its benefit, when it's bad.

If a poor man, then, bother that Al Gore, after being a lousy vice president, will be recycled as environmentalist (environmentalist dick, I think, but de gustibus ...) just because it was missed the victory in elections that, in fact, had already in hand, or think that Michael Moore would take the prize for "Bowling For Columbine, to thank the committee and then eclipse and plant it to break the balls, then it is a poor fool, worse, a poor fool that protects the established power and economic interests to secure the oil lobby.
Although the poor in question is a girl of twenty, lives in a small town of Modena, and oil has been right in the picture.

If that same poor man watches the news and reads newspapers, (and therefore is not "unrealistic" and not "living in his world") but at night wants to watch a movie that has no intrinsic meaning, an educational and informative value, but it's just a good movie, you do not want see the reality, preferring refuge in fiction, in the Hollywood glitter.
A film should be first of all nice, then if you need something better, otherwise okay. "Into The Wild" was used to something, but first of all it was a good movie.
"Bowling For Columbine", though it pains me to admit it was a good movie, because it was heard.
"Fahrenheit 911" was a horrible film. Because it was built with the idea of serving something. It was not right, wrong, good or bad, comfortable or uncomfortable. It sucked. As a movie.
"Sicko," even worse.
And I do not despise them tell them why I find them "inconvenient" or I have not understood. I understand them very well. Precisely for this reason I do not like. And
not find them "uncomfortable" if not for the fact that the word itself ("uncomfortable" film uncomfortable, awkward book, hard uncomfortable) causes me hives. In my opinion, billing himself as a director uncomfortable, or that a writer is like saying: "Look at me, now I'm untouchable! No one can criticize me, because otherwise it will be accused of ignorance of the facts or collusion with the powers that be! "
(say, Theo Van Gogh has never said that his films were uncomfortable. Where is he now? spans two below ground. Moore always says, that his films are uncomfortable. Where ' is it now? millionaire in his mansion in Michigan, bought, among other things, with the proceeds of the shares of certain healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, and other relevant industries, guess riddle?, in the field of Defense ... But look! Right those so criticized in Sicko and Fahrenheit!)
But I digress, as usual.
What I mean is.
What bothers me, but so much trouble, now that the movies, and books, and songs, should "Serve some purpose." Having a purpose
, a purpose.
And if you do not like, you're an idiot.
It's not that they met your taste, or did you consider dull or the hero you were on the ball. You idiot
do not.
Well ... A nice
film is great as it is beautiful. Not because you "sign" something. If the filmmakers want their
teach something, they turn a documentary, I say. But they do?, Create something that is neither one nor the other, nor fiction nor reality. So
are protected on two fronts: If you liked the story, it's because you found it "uncomfortable". You did not happen, not want to understand, in short, tourism will not ears to hear.
If you have understood very well, history, and criticizes the film because of the way they told it, because he has exaggerated some aspects neglecting others, because it has distorted the facts to fit his conception (Moore docet ), because he shot the film only to shock, without the slightest likelihood that there is in fact told,
"Well," I answered. "After all, it's only a movie."
With Cock.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Black Airwalk - Rollerblades


I joked.
I've always been sickly ( Constitution melancholy "), and lately things do not go well. But you have to laugh about.
And then, when you cough leaning against the walls of houses with one hand and spit a lung on the asphalt, chuckling: "And what ? I have tuberculosis? Tuberculosis?! ", and when I bent over for ulcer after eating a dish of curried rice (okay, mea culpa), his face contracted in a spasm - the friends who ask: " all right? "- replied:" Yes, yes, no problem, a bit 'of typhoid or malaria occurring. You know, the unhealthy climate ... "
(For the record, the climate is very unhealthy. My country is located on top of a charming hill, in a charming hole. A fog as thick as crème caramel will stagnate the whole 'most of the summer and winter. The people walk around in cars with chains and machetes, chains for snow, a machete to the fog. As you read with a simple picture ...? Ah, yes. You do know the two forks of the classic cartoons? There is the first road, which runs wide and straight through fields of wheat and flowering trees, surmounted by a cheerful rainbow and birds chirping, and there is the other road, uphill, crooked (read: Via Castiglione ), dark and narrow, which takes place between willows and stunted perpetual fog, the howling of wolves among the branches ischeletriti. Here, if you follow that road to get where I live.)
Well, who always cries 'Wolf!' sooner or later loses. Tuberculosis as Satine The Sparkling Diamond do not have it, but I had typhoid. Without even realizing it. Well, almost. My colon it must have had a vague impression, I think, because I have ulcerative perennial. Mica wants to tell me something?
I found with blood tests, and there and then there was a little 'bad. I agree that I always say to be a poor girl nineteenth century, but it meant mica seriously!
Typhus, by God!
What I think is missing from Western countries after the Second World War.
Typhoid . What he had
Robert Shannon Years of Verdi Cronin. (Book terrible, however. But I digress.)
But why, why, for God's sake , things happen to me that could not happen to anyone else?
Who am I? Fantozzi Accountant? Mr.Bean? Romano Prodi?

Atreyu, you save me, because I'm sinking in the Swamps of Despair, and sooner or later end up like poor Artax ( Artax, stupid horse! "You will die if you do not get out! ).
Bastian, come give me a decent name (or even not BananeGiganti PretePedofilo, Mika knows), which otherwise disappear into thin air.

PS: History endless references to indicate deep despair. I appeal to Atreyu sure to ask for help as Padre Pio. More or less the same results.

Life Quotes Butterfly

Love Journal

This is not a post. It is a short DECLARATION of love. For the world of LiveJournal.
This is not only the perfect place to vent my graphomania, but here I found a community of like me gerontophiles (Humbert, you're always in our dreams!), Another that dissects my favorite book (God of Illusions , aka The Secret History), finding the perfect actors for any film production, and another on my hero, Thomas Andrews.
If I go on like this, I find one of the people who eat marshmallows, one of the girls who make corsets and petticoats, one for teens with an ulcer, one for owners of cats with mental disorders. And then there's always
poisonous_bites, which I respect and admire more than any other site.
I love this place.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Periodontist Salary Canada

But because I do not look for a job ...?

Good. Fine.
I have writer's block. At the first post
'm playing well, eh?, Loaded like a spring (the arm raised to heaven as Wonder Woman, a cone of light shining lights me from above, "... To infinity and beyond! " ): big ideas in mind, the Swiss organization, the vague idea LJ a wonderfully structured, Wilde's wittiest, most entertaining of Littizzetto, more informed the editorial staff of Panorama.
Visited by hundreds of people.
Indeed, quod erat demonstrandum , I find myself staring at the monitor look foolish, empty-headed as an armpit-shaved, the mouse in the air, his mouth half open in the typical expression of idiotic (and yes, be clear, the face that makes Pecoraro Scanio-when it comes to international politics), and then, ultimately, I do not know what the hell to write !
But why, santoddio, because I board in such things?
because I always think that the Internet feel the absence of my literary genius. Ha-ha. Sure.
My presumption has no limits: people like me should be banned from the Net, I'm sure I will here only for damage. Over the next few days I
strizzerò properly the menin - the mater, and I will bring out something decent, next time.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What Is The Green Shag Band?

From my degree in journalism in the last five years

Today was my first and last day of class in the course degree in publishing, multimedia communication and journalism , at the 'University of Genoa .

Despite the great willingness of the teachers, the proximity of different sites at the station and at home, and the infinite interest on my part to write, this experience was very disappointing.
The reasons: the total lack of organization, first and foremost, then also the environment was not a great incentive, but especially the idea of wasting time doing absolutely marginal subjects, and only theoretical.

It 's been a bad blow for me to realize that this course did not fit completely in my interests. However
positive there is to say that, fortunately, I have not yet done so and paid the registration fees, so they are economically free. Other
luck: I did not have to give up anything to try a day of classes.

Ever since I was little, I always imagined my life very structured, classically : school, high school, college, marriage, children, etc..
But it did not absolutely so. I have not taken the
license in the last 2 years of high school, did not interest me, I did not even try. The attempt
I did in college, and it took me much longer than I imagined, because the basic driving scares me, because now I've got a license for almost 3 years now, and I never used except as a completed copy of identity card.

Even with the ' universities did not go as I had imagined.
In high school I was not worried that much of what was the path I should follow once a high school diploma, convinced that the inspiration, sooner or later I would come.
But no, just days after close of entries still did not know what to choose.

not get me wrong: I I knew I liked and what not, what were my interests, my real abilities, not only had never really tried before to put to the test, to see how far I able to get there, I knew what I wanted to continue on the road ahead, even though I was alone, deprecated by all.

Surely, at least initially, I was not left free to choose and decide on its own, or if I would have been incurred did it anyway, and I did not at all confidence in myself to make this decision alone, nor the strength to carry it out, not just me, I need the support and approval of at least the people I was closest.
Hence I chose to take that road I would have support and approval from others: this was the way degree in architecture, and grandfather would go away, to " Milan, to change the environment, people , and instead I ended up sign up for Genoa, a city that I did not like, too close to home, and with the usual horrible faces.

But I must admit, however, I was good, I managed to diversify from the crowd, to get myself noticed by some professors, for my work, my plans, my ideas.
E 'during this course some interesting things that happen that will change my life.

A professor William Bilancioni , Professor of History of Contemporary , teacher and very smart person, very nice, intelligent, and I estimated a lot since the first time, after a visit to an exhibition, suggested to us students, a book, "The Design of Everyday " by Norman ; was a book about the ill constructed, and the ensuing problems that would have made viewers uncomfortable. We
future architects should have been used to keep in mind that without the aesthetic functionality is not needed.
But I began to think of anything else to the psychology of the objects (if you can call), and their users. Another professor

meanwhile, had organized a conference with some kind of psychologists, speaking of colors, shapes, and all those architectural elements from the psychological point of view.
And here, I started to wonder if archituttura was just what I wanted to do, if he was building houses what they want to invest my time, trying to deny me the answer that it was now increasingly clear and indelible: NO.

At the same time while I was enrolled in a fantastic gym near home, ' Empire, where I spent a very long time.
was my outlet, the place where I could really be myself (or almost), I could relax and vent, in a short time I had met many people, I was a bit 'mascot. Here I met
Ivan, one of the instructors, as well as being a very nice guy, funny, cute, and that was fabulous massage, he was also the 'animator during the summer ...
This work, can this lifestyle has piqued my curiosity: a new perspective, tied to everything about me had changed, both inside and outside.

I subscribed to all, the first level of selection at some of the largest tour operator .
The practices were really long, but incredile, I passed the first level for all the questions that I had done.
The second major step was in an interview in place, in front of a staff selection, and a hundred other aspiring entertainers, however, for a person I had always been shy as I was an absurd trial, I was afraid of not succeeding.
But I did and also successfully passed this step. After a week of
stage on the site, a real resort, here you get home the decisive point: I was an animator !

Despite all those who had heard of my choice, had tried in all ways, to dissuade me, for remuneration, for the type of work, both for the future, I am happy to have made this experience, because it gave me very much, has changed me inside, made me a stronger person, more sure of myself, and above all happier for having done something that I really wanted and I alone, despite everyone else and everything else.

This experience also gave me a way to review my life and my future with a new vision, one that had the base a new person, or perhaps simply a real person, what I I was really , and that, for reasons of environment, people, influences, had to remain hidden behind an appearance is not real, just easier to avoid confrontations, frictions and differences, which I did not want or ; to address, nor bear.

I began to wonder who I really I : a timid person or exhibitionist? I've always been timid because that was what others wanted from me? Why was this that had taught me to be? Or because it was my nature? And this time there had been an exhibitionist because it was what I had in reality? Why I can adapt to situations? Because I have different natures? As a reaction to what had always been, because I needed to let go, and why not knowing No one was easier? Or the situation itself?

I did not give me an answer , but I do not even interest me that much, I already have got enough to ask me this question.
Certainly one thing I could say I felt a much more sure of myself , and therefore much more strong, because I could be truly independent , and then make my own decisions, even with all the against the world, would no longer be a problem, I was ready to decide the my university career and life .
My choice was: Communication Sciences to Savona.

E 'was the best choice I've made in my entire life.
Great curriculum, great atmosphere, great teachers, good materials, could not have gone better.
These three years have given me a lot, I have left something that will last forever, and are not limited only to teach simple concepts, but allowed me to learn from myself to live my life .

And now, waiting to put the final exams, and to discuss the thesis in just two days, due to recent unexpected about my choice of degree specialist, I was able to review all my life, and reipostarla exactly would that it were, in fact, what we want . Here

my decision: I will remain at home, I will study for the final exams, give the argument, and leave ; the idea for the U.S., but I keep myself available for any other opportunities ;.
I know it's the right time to leave, I know that if I do not now do it again, I know that if I start something else here, will too long before I can finally do what I really want, and, above all, what I feel is the best thing for me at this time.

It took me a quarter of a century to be able to really be myself, and to have appropriate means to do it, but there are now, and nothing and nobody in the world stop me from continuing to do so! ! :-))


Candy Poster Sayings For A Dance

Pisces horoscope from 1 to 20 October A new sweetness


As you : In October, the fitness improves el 'mood back at high altitude.
realisticamene evaluate multiple events and people, filing past dissatisfactions.
Clarifying doubts about your projects and does not hesitate to get in contention for advancement in the work . And
' love? The sensuality makes you iron out any differences with the practice partners.

What will happen : comes a kind of suitor that it is better to discard.
Honours in what concerns the 'external .
