Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Funny Lacrosse Slogans

Random Shit-Personal-2: Citation for a bitch

It 's a bit that I do hear some funny review, I know, forgive me.
however I know that three are writing:

- Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton
- Lulu Delacroix by Isabella Santacroce-
Narcissus by Laurell K. Hamilton

The first movie, the other two books. What
review that I prefer to complete it before? Vote ^ ^

And we come now to the quote, which I dedicate to a LIS (whining Unbearable Bitch) I knew long ago.
reading this thing I could not help but think of her.
Since he has a link to my LJ and who knows what I think of her, is not a coward, do not worry.
That I think is a 'fool knows it very well ^ ^
The peculiarity of this person, whom I will call G., has always been to write posts boring, conceited and infinite, peppered with abstruse big words ... but said nothing.
It could easily be summed up in three rows. Three lines of crap, usually.
True Troll, in fact. And of those annoying, not funny.
And I dedicate this to this person licks lit, as I have always broken the boxes because I write in an understandable way to the populace, unlike his own.

Who has to say something new and important, is keen to make themselves understood. Will do so all we can to write in simple and understandable. Nothing is easier than writing difficult.
Karl Popper

TVB treasure.



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