Friday, March 26, 2010

Can A Mri Dectect Cancer In Lipoma

: I admire this woman

Ok no, not you ^ ^
I can not despise those who say things like this:

"Who invites me to change my job is foolish person, the mind imbued the prejudices of useless
-this is an injury ... Who calls you might have read your books and other ...- , but for which I will not say anything. I dedicate my life to literature and will continue to do so. I did not choose writing, it was she who chose me - Poor write-è_é . Must therefore decide whether you go: If m'abbandonerà then disappear. -promise? - "

Mortini * glares * Writing" Look here '... What would be 'is the story that you've chosen ? "
Scripture:" Nooo. Not true. I do not center anything. It 's you that I use "
Dead : "Sicuuuura? è_é " * Punta M16 to Scripture" Scripture
: * nods frantically looking at the M16 *
Dead " Mmmmm, it will be. Know that you keep an eye . " * * Lowers the gun" And see to spin off in a hurry, by Santacroce. Understood? "
Writing: * * Continue to nod worried

that I keep an eye on Scripture

I do not call the dear Isa to change jobs. But I invite you, my readers, do not throw your pennies in this way. With those vent'euro go to the cinema, buy a video game, a bra, a vibrator sbrilluccicoso ... do whatever you want, but do not buy that stuff that passes for Italian literature. The
she says, she and literature do not like and are not compatible:

I love di Non. The contemporary art. Italian literature. I. I do not like. The contemporary art. Italian. Poetry. I love only. Dante e. God Almighty. Father.
Isa, trust me ... Literature has many more reasons not to like you, rather than the other ...

pity that she is part of Italian literature. One of the worst sort, plus
^ ^ That part is false, vulgar, commercial ...
That heavy, over-advertised and based on appearance (in this case, the author who takes pictures half naked, and covers, very intriguing)

Many will say to me that I do not understand the 'art' of Santacroce . Other-you-type that is a respectable and do not appreciate his being and his dress. Or do they say that I do not like it because I do not understand what he writes.
Well, actually I'm not a politically correct, I like his style, but it is suited to a brothel, not a library.
Freedom of expression, ok. But freedom of criticism.
when I'm dressed like a street lamp I expected him to tell me I look like.
E 'therefore legitimate to think that you expect to be treated as a "lady of easy virtue" and do not be offended if you think that.
His style, in the end, it sucks, but I understand, thank you.
Simply, as evidenced by my previous post, I believe that if you have something to say, and it is considered important, there is held to speak out.
Look at '. Isabella does not speak clearly at all.
I think you can get there by themselves, to understand what I think of his writings, according to this.

No, not a porn star I made Muzzi. E 'Santacroce ...

Who is Santacroce

A scribbler writer (?) Of without talent (?) That has become quite popular thanks to the photos soft-porn his skill ( ?)

Ok come on, do the serious XD
Isabella is yet another cross - name was never more evocative - Italian publishing.
has all the good that the defects are common to our other successful writers, plus one.
All the others, and say all by Moccia to Troisi, write clear.
The concepts are few, but they are there, exposed to the eye of all.
isabella concepts are not. They hide. But
simpaaaatici. No -.-

as Isabella describes wash :
With momentum carried out the above activities ripulenti

As informs us that a like math and that math has a father: His fanaticism

math: he was an avid student of conjectures and theorems, and disappeared untranslatable in reasoning, arguing the extreme brilliance of Fermat's last theorem. the extreme brilliance of the Riemann hypothesis, the extreme brilliance of the Goldbach conjecture, the great genius of Cantor's diagonal argument, the great genius of Dandelin theorem, the extreme brilliance of the conjecture Hardy-Littlewood, and the extreme complexity of the mathematical genius of others unknown, who had just translated for her, having to father a famous mathematician who suffered from depression, which undermined its ability forced him to repeated hospitalizations. The
this sentence, I emphasize, is repeated, identical, for at least four times.
Then tell me that I have no reason to sclera ^ ^

A cunnilinguo:
wait for me to feed her carnal desires, devouring the inside of the thighs near the hip

Awakening heroin lazy:
So I wake up traumatized the morning session, the having to bear every day in class, following the traditions of the College of that: Maidens, its tiring principles imbued with devotion and respect.
summary: The plates get up 'early and go to class
Twenty-eight words against nine. The phrase has remained the same ...

last quote, take breath. Eeeeeh, go! Place
advance to a column by implementing the Celestial Lay suffered (I had created for the occasion, and was erecting the body, put both hands on the heart, raise your head slightly to the right, press gently parted lips , turn to a point imagined the look) and when the father of the slain and Tecmessa Telephassa, falling at the feet of the girl's parents committed suicide, a broken cried "forgive them" (the discomfort suddenly caught him), promptly rushing to get up, then consular the family of the poor martyr, becoming once again the true and undisputed angels of the College of the girl.
Admit it, you are not able to read it all without taking a breath!

I do not know about the others, but V.M18 Delacroix and Lulu are all well written.
Bello sucks eh? ^ ^
Literature ... ?
Not really. For this writer Santacroce?
Who is that like his books?
That is, in part to DaVkettoni / Emo depVessi and that if Tivano peVchè LoVo are intellectuals and understand the style and baVocco Vicco common that we can not taste without moVtali appVezzaVe. Ah, life is a vale of lacVime, ENP was dimenticaVmene ...

Those boys, from fifteen to thirty years, which have only black in the closet, ninety candles around the room and that is why we cut and Fique fuck Alterna tive. And that trentunanni will wake up and realize that they were the pricks, but ok,. Virtually
Santacroce, Moccia is the Alternaminchia.

Why the attack on the person

Usually I do not speak of the authors. I find it stupid. Usually. With Isabella Santacroce
things are different, however.
Why, you ask you, my innocent bud?
because the girl 'if these things pulling at him.
I've never seen an author who tried to appear as herself. 'Is girl does not advertise his books with their contents, but showing off his "to be different and provocative"

writes in his blog:

"... too many years stand idiocy and nastiness directed at me: for this years ago I was given the name of Isabella Crocifissa ( Lol ) . This is enough. I got down from the cross, holding a machine gun. "
E 'Sticazzi.
Cara, but try not to expose it? You know it and I know, as you probably know the rest of the world, that if you stop being so "over the top at all costs" do not sell more books ... However, if you really want to continue, you will not complain if they point to the flaws.
you stand out in a violent manner? Because you
Yes you expose yourself in a violent manner.
and 'how to place a sign on your ass that says "shoot me" and then complain because it is full of holes ... And I do not think the gun
aid. Probably it will be like waving a banner in front of the nose of a bull. You'll do just pissed off more.
Cartel and drape, moreover, have been widely slamming. These sweet
rages, gossip, criticism, gladly spit on the face of the shameless who dares not to be as foolish girl, her bloodless components.
If they were referring to my royal person, I would be willing to do anything, not to spit ... So forgive me, but the "idiocy and nastiness" you go right to seek the with lantern ^ ^

The style of Santacroce: The Nevroromanticismo (???)

Many of you opened a random page of a book at random, written by this author, it will be placed the inevitable question:
" But how the fuck writes this girl?"
Well, Wikipedia gives us a partial answer.
The author, along with another bunch of people, gave birth in 1997 to a philosophical and literary movement all over again: The Nevroromanticismo. This literary movement expresses saws mental anxiety of existence
That's cool, huh?
No .
Isabella writes shit. Fashion shit, shit Fika, sensationalist shit, shit ... Nevroromantica but it remains brown stuff does not trample.
His style is pure "hot air".
Write, write, write, but says nothing.
The reader reads, reads, reads and finds himself with two balls that crawl on the ground, blown out of thin air. And the fried
hurts, you know.
Four / five hundred pages of hot air ingested all at once, especially, can cause serious damage. How

have read too many books of Santacroce?

Two books I read, and both could be a hundred pages long, without losing anything.
And if a book you can safely remove in three hundred pages, there's definitely something wrong.


The author arrived several threats, even death.
Well, whoever threatened is a poor fool .
What the fuck you care if yet another Hack Alternaminchia that feels so different and has to be - And so it's except different ... there are hundreds of thousands of balls that feel different and they are all equal - writes filth?
pigliatevela not with her, but with those who publish. And even more so with those who spend twenty euro to read - Viva Emule - Are you a
deficient, and you deserve the worst punishment: Read all his works! Without skipping paragraphs! - else that is not the case and you miss all the good copy and paste repeated hundred times-

A Threat
I'll kill you bitch, remember that because it will happen. will rend your heart and you'll see even so you will regret having written that book shit. die
Ok, the books should read them anyway, but ... in a nursing home ^____^'''
But that is no people around?

The crap works:
Nah, too easy. Two
I share their beds, and I sipped them both.
With so many citations, because they are bad.
But not too much. If I were really there to read you would have said, those things. Instead I've already done, with great sacrifice.
worship me, and bow down Give me gifts and offers for my kindness and selflessness uu

Well, good uu

Isabella Santacroce on Wiki
Blog Isabella Santacroce Isabella Santacroce


Cara ... what the fuck you doing? ^ ^

You can submit a book in 'I'm way? No you can not. ^ ^ I I would have pulled a shoe .
In friendship, you mean. Before you ask again, what acids you '. No, because ... fuck work well eh ...
And if the library was with my whistles that we set foot, without a skirt ^ ^

Girl lit book that speaks of Isabella. A review is not perfect, but we took ^ ^ Oh, and who has insulted is a brain-damaged moron. Just to be clear

Ps: Maybe you will think that I'm doing a lot of publicity ... ^ ^ true But sooner or later I review the books I own, to her, so be sure to discourage anyone who might come through here from making bad mistakes, buying.
Isabella is a beautiful chick, but I do not think it's a good reason to buy scripts. There
you would never repair the washing machine by a nice guy, if you knew that incompetent?
Well, I want to be entertained by her literary is the same thing.

PPS will change, yet the post. For now I'm annoyed and I sleep XD


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