Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tmj Induced By Retainers

My must

When you start a new blog is a bit 'like buying a new home : you have the opportunity to change your life, start anew you can decide how you want your future and start putting the building blocks, without having to worry about what has been, the past is truly past now.

But having to start again all over again means having to re-profile themselves as you are and how you want to be. Let's see what I can say

me :

1) I am the sign of PISCES , born Sunday, March 11, 1984, in India , for xxxxxx. ... the country will remain a mystery for you! :-D

You know the sign of Pisces? Two identical fish, which are linked together (or at least try to go) in opposite directions. In other words: mission impossible !
But this symbol is well my way of being: personality traits of the opposite (I hope I have used the right terms, as I took a course on theories of personality! Very interesting!) That coexist and prevail alternately.

Not bad eh? :-) Well, I do not miss anything, and at the same time .... What a mess !!!!!

However, this sign allows me to be interested in many things, completely different.
not I tried what the boredom! Are was definitely overstimulated.
At the same time, however, have to decide, to prevail over other interests, which is essential for example for the choice of university is always a nightmare !

Some of my interests?
The music ! To listen to, at any time of day to sing out loud when no one is neither at home nor in the neighborhood, or a whisper, when there are too many ears attentive, to play .... once ... sigh! Unfortunately I stopped ... Topic sad, are not yet able to talk about it.

Write !! One of my favorite activities! Almost a drug, addictive, for me has become a real necessity.
It is on this that, unless amended, will aim for my career. Journalist, TV author, writer? Maybe, who knows, ....!!! ;-)

Cooking: Food is my subject of consolation, that's why stress fattening, when I'm happy I almost forgot to eat!
When? ... Um ..... very stressed ....! But will make it soon! :-(

Walk: I love walking where possible there are other people in the street at a steady pace in the country, but especially at the beach or by the sea.
is not a sport, not a way to get some air, and my contact with the world, a world that appears to me to make me find myself.
feel the air that surrounds you and touch you, the wind that regenerates giving an energy that you thought no longer existed, and the sound of the sea, the sound of silence ... wow an oasis of peace and prosperity!
I do not think I could ever live in a place far from the sea. I felt suffocated, crushed.

Water : I love being in the water, which is a shower, bathtub, whirlpool, swimming pool, sea water is just that, and I can be alone.
Water hundredfold every sense, linking them with a harmony that only she possesses.

Well, these are just some of my interests. Want to know more about me? Continue to follow!


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