I must point out that the kind initiative in the Marche region in the aftermath of the election results, inspired very similar to ours has been going on between the great enthusiasm of the participants. We have already met once and will meet again July 6. Basically, they are doing the experiment to fully revise the purpose and the ways of doing politics from scratch.
soon will have their manifesto and a blog, so we link.
But they are not alone.
magazine paper has launched a similar initiative and June 22 will at Civitanova Marche for a presentation meeting. If I knew how the hell do you attach a file, instead of an image, you would place the program.
If we are naive, we're in good company ... Francesco
Thursday, June 12, 2008
How To Block Out Emotion
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Images Of Mysore Mallige
I'll be simplistic, but I always had pretty clear what is meant by left and right, despite those who say that there are more differences.
The right has its roots in a cultural Darwinist view. Nature has clearly demonstrated that the prince mechanism for the conservation and progress of the species is natural selection. I must be strong free to express their strength for the good of the species. That's why the right accords well dictatorship (government the strongest) with a market economy (breeding ground for the success of the strong). By Sparta on, the right has always considered any impediment to unfold free of natural selection unrealistic, if not harmful.
The left has opposed roots. It considers the nature unjust, or at least devoid of justice, and assigns to man the task of correcting them. E 'task of the human being as the bearer of certain values, because those values to create the conditions are feasible, despite the forces of nature. That's why the Left, historically, has always fought for the spread of rights.
I understand that this synthesis opens the way for endless debate. But now I would like to dwell on a particular issue: in light of this, is closer to the "people" (but then what the people?) The right or the left? It 's more popular culture of accepting life as it comes, whereas any rebellion a weakness, or mutual support?
The question puts me in great difficulty. Because we have always been accustomed to thinking that the left was a people's movement and the right movement aristocrat. But (even in light of recent results ellettorali) is really the case? Not that it was part exchanged the experience of Communism for the whole of the left?
fact, coming to say that the cultural left expresses a need for selflessness, altruism typical of those who can afford it ...
I personally think that the left and right correspond to more anthropological categories cut across the worn-out "classes."
This reasoning, if successful, leads me to two conclusions.
First, the left can get rid of the specter of radical chic, as it is only reasonable that a more or less well-off can be considered the left, since it is in the nature of the claims.
Second, the left should lay off crying for losing contact with the masses, as its "base" is much more cross than we ever thought. Francesco
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Death Anniversary Cards
Following the great post of Louis, I think it would be really interesting to unmask the curtain of pseudo-concepts that now, it's not clear in what capacity, have achieved the status of certainties.
not only words but entire phrases can occupy this position in the joint debate.
For example, "the referendum on nuclear energy was done under the influence of an emotional drive."
This phrase, now universally taken for good, goes below the logical consequence that today no one would object to nuclear power plants, so you can build.
In my opinion, the sentence quoted is nonsense. Say the same as saying that taking a decision after having concrete demonstration of the potential (indeed, probable) consequences of that decision is to be emotionally affected.
So if one is thrown from the seventh floor because he knows that it would become a pancake is because it is emotionally affected, not because he is aware.
As if, among other things, the horror motivated toward something he could not become a full member in the parameters of a choice.
Having the complete picture is taken the wrong choices. Here is the logical consequence of which leads one sentence.