Friday, May 30, 2008

Example Seating Chart For A Wedding

striking: the cause is angry with the effect ... The items

Minister Francesco Brunetta wants to drive the drones from the government.
Minister Brunetta, who works as an economist, university professor, said enough to this government ineffective, inept and wasteful.

count to ten before moving forward.

policy became aware that the government is full of slackers.

First, politics is the cancer of public administration.
Second is the policy that has built its own consensus on recruitment in public administration.

It 's amazing for them to come for the morale. Began to regulate itself. Autoimpedirsi find a way to make recommendations. Find a way to plaster autoimpedirsi of the administrative action busybodies everywhere. Autoimpedirsi find a way to squander the money to finance its consent.
Poooooooooooooooi thought to drive the idlers.


Francis publish the mail from a friend ...


who says "I state that are left"

is right.

who says "I am neither right nor left"

is right.

Assyrian Proverb .

Before proposing my reflection demagogic use of language identified through a brief analysis of the key terms, I would like to state that it is strictly linguistic analysis, time to highlight how words can be deformed semantic capable of directing the trial of persons. Deliberately neglect then getting into the political merit of the problem, leaving the task to all of you to draw some considerations.

days ago I read in the Corriere della Sera De Francesco Gregori, interviewed on topical issues, he said that Berlusconi would also have proved an asset for Italy, where he proceeded to modernize the country. Use the conditional tense because I do not remember the source and why the one shown is not a literal quotation, but one of my summary. This is important, however, is not here in question the opinion of De Gregori (my fourth grader was very enlightened to say, a few years ago, singer-songwriters who can not become "masters of life"), but the word ha - would have - used to modernize.

The "modernization." The right-wingers more aggressive want to "modernize Italy. The opposition's intention is to "modernize this country" (The use of the demonstration should not be underestimated, is to give an emotional connotation and, as with all deictic, creates the illusion that the country you can almost keep in your hand like a precious object or a chicken heart). But all want to "modernize". But "modernization" is indeed a "word dull," a word that reveals the actual contents and penetrates like a Trojan horse in the consciousness of the listener. What does "modernization"?

should ask first: one can be against "modernization"? If you are against modernization means you are changing back to the past, backwardness, a condition for restoring front. According to a widely held notion of progress, representing a decline - unless the restoration of a more or less distant past is not part of a special ideological project - and, consequently, modernization is an improvement. E 'found that, if someone wants to "modernize Italy" (or "this country"), you can not, reasonably, could not agree more. The word evokes the idea of government more efficient, more rapid release of documents, phantasmagoric computer services and other amenities.

You're done. If we apply the label of the modernization measures invoked or implemented by a political party, their degree of shareability increases - of course, casual observer - significantly. If we are unable to apply the tag mirror "old" to bad ideas and practices, the effect is doubled through a skilful use of ridicule.

very little would be enough to realize that modernization means roughly "dismantle" values and rights, wriggle and have a free hand. But I promised not to enter into the merits.

The other word "opaque" to which I wish to draw your attention is to "reform". A government that "the reforms face", "Structural reforms are needed", "get a table together and make reforms." Even the word "reform" is clearly associated with the idea of improvement. Just that alone means nothing. "Making reforms" without specifying what reforms we are talking about is simply a fraud, because of the implicit allusion to the linguistic practice. Needless to quibble, we all know what are the necessary reforms, so why go into detail? It creates the illusion of sharing large and established. Under the label opaque "reform" so you can smuggle any coup. So, thanks to the "electoral reform" the same people who croak of "bringing politics to the people" fleeing voter to choose candidates. But then again I put my hands in the pot ...

The insistence on the need for reform has another interesting toothing. It generates the general alarm on a general state of decline as the reforms, and they alone, are able to remedy. The alarm status is permanent. The "table of the reforms" (the attribute "institutional" has been dropped for the time) I've heard since my now distant childhood. Usually the call for reform is the prerogative of persons deemed "competent", engineers, economists from their pedestal are enabled to communicate that, to cite an example, we will work until the age of 90 years. But it is precisely for reform, and as such can only be healthy ..

opaque words and expressions are easily recognized: they are usually in itself unquestionable and unassailable and appear with great insistence on the mouths of readers of news, with suspected fixity of words. They serve as vector molecules, carry lumps of ideas and beliefs in the minds of the listeners. There are also negative: the word "ideology", for example. The word simply means a system of ideas and values, and in principle is not in itself negative or positive. However, the ideology is, in the current ideas, always negative, because invariably suffers a fatal slip metonymic (ideology ideology = X, Y - Z hardly ever), but also an attribute of ideology (indeed, ideology: When you hold this systematic bias is the plural) is to be disappeared. False: If ideology we mean a system of pre-fabricated opinions and approval, then the most tangible sign of its widespread presence are just the slogans repeated obsessively. In any case the idea of a collective existence devoid of ideologies is simply ludicrous, unless it is a colony of moss, from which, as we know, ideology has little grip.

Greetings to all


Worksheet Find The Hazards

opaque market without democracy

A topic that is taking away the sleep to economists is the fact that the market economy coexists very well (maybe better) with authoritarian regimes.
Russia, China showed that it is not true that the market brings with it the spread of civil rights, indeed, as its preferred soil stability, thriving beautifully in authoritarian contexts.
Someone suggests that this will be the winning model for the century that has begun.
This "discovery" (which is not discovered, because it was already Hitler's Germany experienced the mix with great success, let's not forget that Germany was crushed, it is not centered) undermines one of the strongest reasons put forward for believing always preferable to a market economy, that was also the bearer of civil liberties.
He's also talking a lot at the festival in the economy of Trento, in those days. 20e% 20Lavoro/2008/05/krugman-mercato-democrazia.shtml? Uuid = 661d88d8-2e0e-11dd-b8c4-00000e251029 & DocRulesView = Free

What makes you think a lot.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Harley Davidson Sayings And Quotes

Incinerators e. .. cancer

Today, the Blog of Beppe Grillo is ... incinerators and cancer. A short article gone unnoticed on the number 1052 on Friday of Republic (May 16) on page 90 reveals that several international studies have now established a relationship of cause and effect relationship between the incineration of waste and the increased incidence of cancer and refers in particular , to a French study published by the institution of the National Health Surveillance (InVS). But the paragraph is harsh and inaccurate (it is already so much has been published ...). So we decided to go to the source, or almost. In fact, it seemed much more interesting to publish below a summary of strict translation of a document of CNIID (Centre National d'Information Independent Waste) says that the results of this study, the same day of its publication in November 2006. And 'more' that scary!
Here it is:

Institute State of Health Surveillance (InVS) h presetanto this morning to a disturbing study on waste incineration confirming that the nearby population incinerators of waste is exposed to an increased risk of cancer. The study "Effect of tumors in the vicinity of incinerators di rifiuti domestici » rappresenta il piu’ vasto studio epidemiologico mai realizzato in Francia sull’impatto sanitario dell’incenerimento.

"E’ ormai dimostrato che l’incenerimento è responsabile di tumori sulle popolazione che vivono in prossimità", dichiara Sébastien Lapeyre, responsabile delle iniziative in materia d’incenerazione al CNIID.

These effects on health not seem to be related only to dioxin but also a number of other pollutants emitted from incinerators, the most part of which are not or controlled nor measured.

"Warning, the dioxins not be the tree that hides the forest ' puts in guard Lapeyre." [...] Many organic substances are produced incineration and not be measured although they are equally toxic, persistent as the dioxins and bioaccumulative.

" era in which WHO declares the ' increase in the incidence of tumors and a real own epidemic is aberrant the fact that incineration today is a system of treatment still widely used in spiluppato France when this process produces thousands of different pollutants and prevents the development of alternative systems of waste treatment, "says Eric Gall , director of CNIID ( State Center for Independent Information on Waste ). 'It time of program at the political level end and incineration of establish France in a policy of ambitious waste prevention and worthy of this name. For this, we ask to all the candidates of the presidential election rule in favor of a moratorium on the construction of new incinerators. "

The CNIID is an association that is deals reduction to source in toxicity and quantity of waste. The CNIID is solely funded by its members and complaint the current waste management in France. The CNIID is also the Secretariat of the National Coordination for the reduction of waste to source and comprising more ' of 270 local assciazioni of fight against the projects in the field of landfills and incinerators of .

Friday, May 23, 2008

Where To Buy Schwarzkopf


Yesterday I saw Annozero. At one point started an argument between Di Pietro, Belpietro and Travaglio. Not on opinions but on facts. One said that some legislation provides for one thing, the other said no, we have documented, and so on.
While the core of a democracy is sick, the misinformation, I think it would take from them. And do not believe we need to "check the news," because the first news is that under the eyes of all, that is, legal documents, which, apparently, already give rise to misinformation!
Then follow the comments to read (but never find reported in the newspapers, except the technical ones) that are tainted by overt partisanship in origin. And the misinformation is complete.

And if it proceeded from here?
E ' began a term. He has also begun to take action. And if you documented? If we put here the documentation available to all and we talked about? To me, for example, I would not mind at all if someone DOCUMENTATION story Europa 7, because it seems true and everything the opposite of everything. The comments after.
I commit myself on this package security, others waste.
Too hard to follow, step by step these gentlemen? Francesco

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pharmaceutical Calculation Stoklosa

I started reading this book, made during a queue at the counter of the Inland Revenue. First impressions.

What we do is we feeling common and widespread. The author, who is not really a foo on the subject, spoke of political "amateur" made by a competent amateur as a necessity for the survival of democratic systems.

What we think is common sense and widespread. The author, in fact, he sees individualism, and then the idea that happiness is achieved individually and that any mediation with fellow citizens is basically a nuisance, encroachment (individualism largely pumped from an economy based on consumption) is the cultural background on which to take root, the disaffection for politics, that is, essentially, mediation between conflicting interests led to the best interests of society (at least it should ...). Among other things the author makes an interesting observation. Because of its nature-based mediation, democracy is bound to disappoint.

Third thought: whatever they want to say, democracy is the only system in which any citizen can have a say in the management of the municipality. And is the only system in which no one can be coercive by force or violence to set your personal life according to a recipe (of course, if your personal life style provides for the abolition of the next, things change ...). These are the true values. Among other recent achievements are. It will be a century that democracy will emerge as the dominant system, not more. Yet today the people, oblivious of the other systems, external dissatisfaction, disenchantment and cynicism, even nostalgia for the past. This is undoubtedly due, in part, the behavior is not convincing representatives of institutions of political power. But also, in my opinion, the fact that democracy requires a commitment by all (not required, for example, on systems set to "I think ghe") that whoever the belly which has the full, always wants to give. As long as it is to make certain achievements, the sacrifices you make. But once achieved certain goals we tend to forget the effort made to get there and you despise. And 'human.

Therefore, our intention makes even more sense: democracy requires people who have loved ones and it expresses the values that are willing to field their availability "amateur" to protect it and improve it. Francesco

Monday, May 19, 2008

Erection During Male Waxing

why democracy is important here is the solution that has identified the left

I submit an article published in Il Sole 24 Ore 10/05/2008. It 's a discussion of Franco De Benedetti. I had left to do computer with excellent results (Olivetti) and instead it seems that now is a member of the illustrious ranks of leftist intellectuals.
After a list of errors that led to the collapse of the left electoral the author, e the need to find a fulcrum from which to start, it locates in one concept: quality. The quality of services for all.
Now this review could easily go unnoticed and forgotten. There you imagine you are the young lovers and closer to the political level by the issue of quality?
But it is important to emphasize, because it is a litmus test of the state prevailing in the Italian left.
address the problem of quality means, by implication, say this: we all have a standard of life all about, now we think of quality. As if to say, enough with the wine of the peasant, I have in abundance, now I want to start drinking wine aged in barrels (you spell it?). That's how close it is left to the people. So it's true when they say that left were the jocks! That has totally lost its roots in the popular classes.
We are at No. 74 in world ranking of press freedom, we have the second lowest income per capita among the EU countries, there is an air of decline in each sector, which has the left and to think of quality. Disconcerting.
I believe in this left Italy, to reposition force to try to settle where they are more support, they made it go crazy like mayonnaise.
Yet to me, I will be stupid, it seems so obvious what should be its role. What has always been: to expand the enjoyment of rights of the excluded. Changing times, changing the arguments (or even all), but the sense of the left remains intact. On the one hand there are those who would like to keep within certain privileges, on the other there are those who would like to see there were not privileged. It seems to me that simple!
will be difficult in practice, all right, but the goal is clear!
E 'little work to put all the information that citizens can know? It 'a little work to defend the purchasing power of the weakest? And little do more to eliminate the malpractice of their children and children? It 'just ask greater say in the choices of citizens? It 'just ask that justice is not strong with the weak and weak with the strong? It 'just ask that gays have the same civil rights as heterosexuals? And there are another thousand conquests to make.
Evidently the Italian left, on the contrary, its sitting needs barricaded wines (I apologize if you do not write it).

If you want to read the speech:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Naruto English Doujinshi

those are ... social work ...

publish below an extract from an email just received from a friend who, as a psychologist working in the Roman province, live every day on the ground the contradictions, difficulties, and the repercussions that a bad policy triggers in people's lives.

"I saw the blog and will send a draft of a leaflet prepared by my colleagues for a pre-election meeting.
I think anyone doing this work can not implicitly do not do politics every minute of his day."

those are ... social work ...

We social workers and members of cooperatives and social organizations, are the ones that the social contradictions and precarious the face every day in the field as well as live on their skin, are the ones who hear the word security immediately think of job security, safety and rights of a house, we those who know that a road is to secure more social and more community participation and more police, we are very often those who work with social exclusion and we know what the stereotypes and media campaigns pushing these people are the ones who expected to meet people from other countries in the world is an opportunity before a problem, we are also those who, by crossing stories of migrants, we know that they did not come here for tourism, but often to poverty, are the ones who are tired of a welfare assistance for the poor and we would like welfare for the citizens because we are also those who think that people do not become thanks to the bank account. We are those who do not believe in charity, but social work training and recognized in their rights, are the ones who think that laws like the 180 and 194 must be applied and not erased, we are the ones who think that even if there is the Vatican in Rome , Rome is not the Vatican, but we are also those who think that politics is a collective project and give meaning to our future and not marketing and surveys. So we've decided to talk about social policies and ask some candidates that come from our industry to continue, in line with us we will not allow social battles go off April 14 with the spotlight of the campaign.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Penta Paints Colour Chart

proposed amendment

I was thinking to correct the manifest. One thing was certainly clear in us, but it was not well expressed.
We do not think at all that people are divided into good and bad, but, if anything, coexist within each of us different and conflicting impulses. For example, regarding the question of the relationship with immigrants, I believe that each of us experience feelings of solidarity and openness that make us feel good, but also of fear, distrust and discomfort. Here, we turn to that part of each one ready to open. And we want a policy to encourage and facilitate the blossoming of this perspective.
If you disagree, where we wrote "we turn to the people", substitute "we turn to that part of each that".

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Church Letter Of Request For Donations

Manifesto for a human rights policy

The blog that you have before our eyes comes from thinking: if the citizen does not demand of politics there is no policy.

policy is gone, replaced by the administration. The representatives of various institutions to resemble more and more building managers rather than real politicians. We propose listing a host of problems with adjoining foolproof recipe, without all this in a sense other than that of disgust for the other contenders. Of course there are emergencies, the matter should be dealt with Alitalia, the question of waste too. But this is not the point. The policy, for us, begins upstream of these situations.

But what worries us most is that politics has disappeared from the hearts of the people who now identify it with the firm (often dishonestly) the power and live their relationship with it as if they were users a service.

The policy that we understand it has nothing to do with the practice that it does today. For us, the policy must be to fly up your hearts and minds, and it is used to interrogate and interpret the past, present and future, to understand and guide, with imagination, intelligence, ability, courage, sincerity and integrity. Must design and specify you want an idea of society and to seek, proposing steps to move in that direction, and watching that happen and change course when necessary.

The question that we would do our "political" is: you are satisfied with the company you're building? O you need only win? This is the crux of the matter. We believe that this generation of "political" have totally shunned, ignored, misinterpreted this question, if not betrayed. Everybody says that Italy is facing a widespread sense of dissatisfaction, but the answers are always the same, a pragmatism (at best) and poor in ideals of perspective. They thought about the answer to the question of the distance between building and society through a political door to door ", where federalism has given a big boost. But many of us feel closer just meanness.

We have a different idea, and we believe that there are many others who, like us, want a political high, noble, far-sighted, fair, peaceful, setting out the solutions as a result of an overall vision. So, no it is not right deal with concrete problems of life, but from a drawing, a collective dream.

And to say that we were almost convinced. Also we started to think that, all things considered, rightly so, that history has decreed its verdicts.

Even we had started to get passionate about stock market fluctuations and to be familiar with the most income tax brackets that with our consciences. Something was not quite right, but given more purchasing power euro loneliness. Insensibly we began to invest more in our happiness bluetooth in the reports.

Luckily we were the last elections that have made us wake up. Will disappear from the face of the political scene, so naturally, the political forces that, for all their undoubted faults, have always been deployed by some of the rights of the weak was chilling.

Not so much for the solutions proposed that these forces, which in many respects do not agree, but what they symbolize and achievements that were reached by everyone, even those who have not ever voted.

The "truth" that does not convince us

We have repeated ad nauseam that the great ideologies are dead. Achieved this great truth, the political class was immediately acted like children at the sound of the bell: screaming, shouting, opportunism, if not worse. Sartre said that man is condemned to be free. Unfortunately, this great insight was dramatically fulfilled. For us, freedom is a primary value, is the basis on which to build anything. But first and foremost the freedom not to be confused with individualism and the making the conveniences. Second, it must be defended, not a value that can live without the commitment of all its protection as a precious good. Thirdly, freedom may well drown in apathy and misinformation, bogged down in the hallway and indolence, not only to be stifled by the dictatorship.

Instead freedom flown today and derived from the failure of the maximalist ideology of left and right has only given discouragement, cynicism, loss and loneliness. He produced a slow decline in large part to the retreat on their individual interests, the loss of all inhibitions in the civil and moral, to all the trouble responsibility and duty, disillusion towards the future. No accident that the fathers of the French Revolution put the word freedom alongside brotherhood, because true freedom is collective, there is no freedom where it is the exclusive property of a few.

But we wonder: What is ideology? Basically, a reading of the world, from which you derive a number of implications. Certainly we think that any one who has read the claim to be infallible in itself is wrong, as well as dangerous. But that is to say that you can not read any of the world? We believe that the story is taking a direction traced, the problems have some common matrix, you can still aim for a future of a certain type. And we believe that the priority task of the politician is just that: to give a reading of the world, as close as possible to reality, and this engages a large project toward a goal. In other words, to construct an ideology (as we like that word again).

We are told every day that the values are in crisis. We do not see how this is possible. We are not aware that honesty, altruism, respect, gentleness, etc.. have disappeared from the vocabulary, nor in people's hearts. The fact is that the singers of death confuse these values with the rules. What is dead is adherence to a behavior to obedience to a rule set, not the underlying value to certain rules. But by dint of repeating this refrain, you end up with it the greatest excuse to evade responsibility to peacefully values.

We announce that the class struggle no longer exists. There is still hard to believe, given the abysmal distance that exists between the layers of the population. However, in this historical juncture, in our view is more urgent to deal with another kind of class struggle. Ours is a class project. Yes We turn to the class of men. For us, a human being no longer capable of indignation at the dishonesty and injustice and to be touched by the suffering is a human being, but not a man.

Our analysis

Our analysis starts with the observation of the things that the company is creating an atmosphere of opulence increasingly widespread dissatisfaction dull, reminiscent very closely the typical malaise of spoiled children. Have embraced the economy as the only answer to all instances has had devastating effects on people's consciousness. Divided between those who had these responses did not (and rightly suffers) and those who had them but because they suffer the same struggles in a spleen existential. But the answer remains the same: more than GDP, thereby forgetting, among other things, that this attitude, in addition to not contributing to the happiness of people, is leading (and surely would result if all the inhabitants of the planet were taken to standard of living we now enjoy we in the West) to the environmental catastrophe.

Already Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen has been scientifically proven that the inner well-being of the people does not increase with increasing outer well-being, since this leads to addiction to evolutionary advances. Two centuries ago the radiators did not exist, but we challenge anyone to declare themselves happy because now has the radiator.

Our hope

The dream which we declare to join is to all those who are engaged and committed to a nonviolent society, inclusive, equitable, sober, responsible, righteous, ecological, open, friendly, happy.

We believe that opens before us a great opportunity to rethink how and why politics, now that we are freed from the yoke of bias and preconceptions.

we go back to a great tradition, but never enough explored and exposed to political debates and cultural celebrations. A tradition that has done so much for the conscience of the individual, but not enough for the conscience of the community, that of pacifism.

We believe that the prosecutors of this tradition are making a fatal mistake: they are bent over the issue, those on poverty, those on environmental protection, some injustice, but not boldly propose a general proposal, although they would all the qualities and tools. For this we propose to construct an ideology capable of synthesizing the many souls who are part of a unique worldview.

For a new "thing" we need a new "how"

What is radically different from the past is the method by which we come to this. In the era of Web 2.0, the system of delegation is dead. The interpretation of facts and analysis, the contradictions and the solutions can not be the result of developing one or a few individuals who, locked in their study, they draw their conclusions and then subject them to the rest of the world. The ideology must be built, and then continued, in sharing, because it must be everyone's heritage to keep alive his idealistic thrust. Should put into practice every instrument so that people will then be asked to convey is constantly in contact and play with everyone else, as now occurs regularly among the frequenters of the network. Should be avoided at all costs that the agent is privileged compared to those who invested the role of spokesman. It will be necessary to avoid any opacity. Collective participation and total transparency. But also accountability. These are our recipes for people closer to politics. What, actually, this is another fact of the distance of the issues that really do not understand. In fact, people are in politics, so we do not see how they could move away. This is another mystification of those who, by dint of saying it, became truth. People are far from the palace, not by politics. But the building does not coincide with the politics! This is to let people in the building, as is their absolute right, through their representatives and transparent to ensure maximum participation and sharing. We believe that the wealth of knowledge and solutions that comes from networking the knowledge and solutions of all a great value and is the main substance of the network. Yet this extraordinary ability of the palace was never exercised, and fearful of losing their prerogatives. In doing so took away the world from a place that exists to serve the world but then ask accorresse with flags in hand. Our idea of politics can never give up, on the contrary, the contribution of feelings and ideas that people can make to building a better world.

I have a deep respect and esteem for the work of those who, in spirit Lilliputian, have rolled up their sleeves and, without waiting and delegate, have a look around, you are left moved by the problems of other men and have made to work hard every day to give immediate answers to questions, creating a network of rich and stimulating. But we believe it is high time that these positive forces find the courage to speak with one voice to people of this country, offering them the whole concept of society.

We appeal to those thousands of people every day, outside the palace, these living things in a spirit of sacrifice and selflessness. It is no longer time to settle, to be overly humble. The state of things does not delay or withdrawal, but calls for a bold thrust.

We ask those who intends to stand for and represent the citizens to have a history of social engagement. The curriculum should be to get any job, even the most humble, and to make political enough to have some votes to bring in the barn. For us, that we consider a service policy for the community, which is of considerable complexity, it is unacceptable for us to remember the community until the day when you have to sit around the table prepared.

Our "program"

We want to return to the idea of policy that is capable of talking to people, before the pockets. A policy paper that takes as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that stupendous text agreed to unanimously by all the civilized countries of the world and just walked to unanimity. We know only too
well that there are no certainties granite nor outside nor inside of us (if there is one thing we have heard repeated obsessively, to be sure ... is that there are no certainties!), we experience every day thoughts and feelings before the fact, even petty, but we feel strongly that, in the midst of many contradictions, something inside of us continues, fortunately, to distinguish between things.

For this, we turn to that part of everyone who is afraid of losing their dignity, their freedom, their humanity, honesty, at least his soul than he has of losing their social status , work, well-being.

We turn to that part of us that think that the problem of immigration is an issue of misery, physical or moral that is, of despair and death, not border security simplistically.

We turn to that part of us who think that prostitution is a matter of degradation and dehumanization, and hygiene and neighborhoods.

We turn to that part of us who consider the war a great tragedy to be avoided at all costs and not a necessary evil.

We turn to that part of us that think the value of a person depends on what he has done for others, rather than by what was good for himself.

We turn to that part of us that think that the important thing, really, is to participate and does not exhaust its commitment to the community the day when you go to vote or turn on the television to watch any political forum.
And we want to bring out a policy that encourages and enhances this part of each of us.

We want a society where the concept of immigrant is totally outdated, since we can not find any difference between the rights and duties that belong to a human being than another who comes from a different place. Especially if we recognize that poverty this in other places has been largely caused by our behavior and exploited. We deeply unfair desertified the economies of poor countries through competition for their unsustainable industrial production, resource exploitation, the manipulation of ethnic conflicts, the enslavement of workers, the strangulation of agriculture through the recognition of compensation to be hungry, ; unfair competition by providing huge public subsidies to homegrown productions and then slam the door in the face of misery and despair also largely caused by all this. And anyway, even if they had any responsibility (but it is not), would be inhumane to solve our problems simply by ensuring that the poor of the world remain to die at home or elsewhere, provided they are not here.

We are tired of hearing that young people have no values. Are we that we have and that we should create a fertile ground for young people can grow their own in due course.

We are tired of seeing the mighty of the land claim to evade prosecution of persons, putting to shame the journalists who are journalists and judges who are judges. It 's too easy to want to have the power without running the risk of being a target. We hope for a release and a justice that can peacefully do not discount to anyone, because we know that the first victims of those who have always been denied freedom and justice information.

The question of morality and legality is a top priority for us. We paradoxical question of whether or not to nominate or not convicted. Not because we know that justice may be unjust, but because this is not the moment for philosophizing about the issues. Faced with a widespread contempt and annoyance to the rules is imperative to be absolutely fearless witnesses of trust and respect of rules of civil life, even when (as can happen), we hurt. Moreover, we do not believe just an idea put forth by so many men can not be affected by the unjust conviction of a person, while it will surely be whether that person is exempt from the rules themselves.

For us there are just wars, if not for the defense of territory by an aggressor. We know perfectly well that the political weight of a nation depends on its military strength. But we can not trade humanity destroyed by a war with the political weight. It 's a matter of priority.

For us, environmental protection and health come before profit. For these reasons we ask every effort to support all those behaviors thesis to save resources, the total freedom from polluting forms of energy, reduction of human impact on the environment.

We are still exploited. Non crediamo affatto che gli interessi delle persone coinvolte nel raggiungimento del medesimo risultato convergano sempre, ma che vi siano tante situazioni in cui il più forte fa un uso ingiusto della sua posizione. We believe that the task of defining a company that wants to be civil to intervene and correct these distortions.

At the same time, we believe that, where coexist different interests, it is still necessary to seek harmony through dialogue and respect.

We assert the fact of not having all the solutions, but to want to look for. Who says that all the solutions, we believe that one is or is not aware of or has a big braggart. It should also have the maturity to recognize that the solutions are not always available or known, that the policy can not aim to eradicate evil from the world that will always exist, but that will never be less than the commitment to always seek a better way.

To all those who identify with these ideas we call an act of "naivety", almost adolescent. For once, scrolliamoci off the armor of cynicism and disillusionment that have been so adept at cucirci and let him drag the beauty to fight for an ideal.